Written By Mayor



“” A woman kept on humming to a song. She was wearing a black pencil skirt and a white iron shirt. She is the chemistry teacher.

She walked towards the lab only to find it opened. She frowned knowing she had closed it before going to watch the match.

Opening the door she perceived a strange smell. Her nose was sensitive.

She was further into the room and her eyes caught an ho.rrific sight.


In the police custody**

“Natasha, you need to calm down” Jake stood to hold her but she jerk her arm away.

“Don’t tell me to calm down Jake, Don’t! I’m scared, so sacred to lose her.

We might be fighting almost every time but I love her and I can’t bare to lose her Jake.. I can’t” she sobbed.

“Come here” he said walking close to hug her. He let her sob on his chest while pat her short hair.

“That man chuckled while she was in pain. That bstard was laughing” she muttered.

“We are going to find your mom” Jake assured.

Wilson came out of his office. There was a deep frown on his face as he walk towards the black lady on seat.

“Lisa please tell me there is a good news” he said to her.

“I think her phone was smashed and her sim removed. We can’t track her phone sir” she replied.

Wilson hit his hand on the table and she jerk.

He was fuming with anger. He saw Dora’s missed calls on his phone. Was she about to tell him Something about Black Venom because they have been working on it together.

An Emergency call got it and Lisa picked it Swiftly.

“State your emergency”

“A d.ead body!! There’s a d.ead body in the lab!!!”


Mr Charles stood beside the window of his luxury office with his hands folded behind him.

The door of his office opened and Lucas walked in. This time he was wearing a casual cloth. A grey Polo and a black trouser.

“You called for me, father” he said diving his both hands into his pocket.

Mr Charles turn around to look at him then smile.

“Yes I did” he answered walking close to him with a light smile on his face.

“How have you been?” He asked sitting on his huge couch.

“Good” Lucas replied shortly sitting before him.

“I called you hours ago. What took you so long?” Mr Charles asked.

“I was busy with some things. That’s why I had to come late”

“Hm, what kind of thing, if I may ask”

“being a professor isn’t that easy father” he replied.

“Right, I’ve told you many times to take the company but you refused saying you want to be a professor. You’re my only son and the only heir to this company..”

“I know Father but I told you I don’t want it. I love my job” he cut in.

“Are you still doing this because of your mother?” Mr Charles asked and the guy in front of him aura changed immediately.

“Why are you bringing her up?” He asked.

“You know we have never talked about your mom since she left years ago. I’m beginning to wonder if you’re okay.. you’re not having a trauma, are you?” Mr Charles asked in the gentle voice ever.

Lucas lean closer and scoffed. Is this man serious right now?

“Why are you talking about this right now? I know my mom died before me but you left dad.

I was left alone for two years struggling with my emotion.

Isn’t it too late for you to be asking if I’m alright?” Lucas asked not having his usual smile on his face.

“Son, I’m sorry for what I did during those period. I was devastated about your mom’s de.ath, I didn’t know what to do” Mr Charles said regretfully.

“You think you were the only one affected? Where were you dad? Where were you when I saw those people smashing my mom’s face to de.ath!!!”

Lucas yelled as his chest moved up and down from his heavy breath. His eyes brimmed with tears.

Mr Charles lips open and close severally not knowing what to say. This is all his fault.

“Those bstard laughed at me. I was just Seven. I saw mom lying in the pool of her bI.ood and here you are asking if I was traumatized?

You left then came back to pick me up after two years. You never mentioned mom or even asked how I feel?” Lucas asked.

“I was afraid you’ll get hurt that was why I never mentioned it…”

“Then you shouldn’t have leave in the first place. Don’t bring this topic up ever again dad.

I might do something you’ll regret” Lucas warned storming out.

Mr Charles could only cry holding his face using his palm.

“I’m so sorry”


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