Written By Mayor


A black car which was just across the street, window wind down revealing Lucas. His face has a blank look.

He drove away after a while.

“So that’s all for today. You need to make sure you do the assignment. It has points” the female Lecturer concluded leaving the class.

Elsa groaned out a little. “I don’t understand her course at all and now she’s giving us an assignment. I feel like dying soon”

“It’s not that hard snow”

“You’ll teach me?”

“It won’t be free”



They both got out of the class. Elsa stopped when she saw the music room. She could hear faint guitar sounds coming from inside. She knew immediately, it was Lucas.

“When was the last time you did music?” Charlie asked stopping too.

“Since the audition” she muttered.

“Is everything alright with you and Prof” She asked.

“Not really. He just need some space” she replied.

The door opened showing Lucas standing with a smile on his face.

“I was just wondering who was at the door” He muttered.

“I.. I was about to leave. Sorry to..” Elsa stuttered.

“C’mon in, I’ve missed practicing with you” he said walking back in leaving the door opened for them.

Elsa took slow steps in, she missed everything in the room. Charlie also entered with her lips parted. The room was beautiful.

“This place is wow” Charlie muttered bringing out her phone for some pictures.

Lucas went to grab his guitar and set it back on.

“So what were you singing?” Elsa asked going to sit before him.

Lucas didn’t replied instead he began to play the guitar. The melodious sound rented the whole room.

Charlie lips made an ‘O’. This would be the first time she’ll hear Lucas play.

“Could you find a way to let me down slowly…

“A little sympathy, I hope you can show me…

“If you wanna go then I’ll be so lonely..

“If you leave baby let me down slowly..

Elsa gaze was on him the whole time. His eyes were closed as he let out his voice.

“Let me down, down. Let me down down, let me down. Let me down down…

“Let me down down, let me down…

“If wanna go then I’ll be so lonely, if you leave me maybe let me down slowly…

He stopped and let out a deep breath and the room turned quiet.

“Wow” Charlie muttered.

The sound of someone clapping by the door made them turn back.

Raymond walked into the room with his hand jamming together. He was chuckling while looking at Lucas but Elsa could the anger in them.

“Ray” Elsa called going to him. She held his chest and trying to walk him out of the room but he didn’t budge.

“What are you doing here Elsa?” He asked. He was back to his cold self and that scares Elsa a little bit.

“I just miss music, that’s all” She tried to explain.

“You miss music, or you miss him?” He asked.

“It’s not what you think, can we just go please.. do not cause a scene” She held his hand but he pulled it away.

“Why here of all places? Why can’t you come to me huh? I don’t do music but I would have find a way. How come you came to this bstard?”

“Ray, you don’t have to cbrse out”

“Oh now you’re taking his side?” He asked in disbelief.

Lucas chuckled on his spot and Raymond cold gaze went towards him.

“Did you just laugh?” Raymond asked him. His bI.ood was boiling.

“You know Raymond, I was actually trying to be quiet but I don’t think I can help it anymore” Lucas said and stood.

“Why are you upset? Because she’s here for what she missed?” He asked.

“No” Raymond walked closer to him and the two men stood facing each other.

“I just don’t want her around you. I don’t think you’re the type of person you claim to be”

“Me? What about you Ray? Have you told her about it?” He asked then look at Elsa who have a frown on her face. “I guess not”

“Mind your business” Raymond warned.

“You can’t control her the way you want. Are you scared I might have her once you lose your chance?”

“Well fk you, she’s mine”

Lucas looked at Elsa. “Remember what I wanted to tell you after audition” he smiled widely showing his dimple.

“I wanna let you know that right from the first day I met you, you stole my heart.

I wish I can be the man for you Elsa. I love you and I’ll always do..”

“Okay now shut up. What do you think you’re doing?”

“Saying my mind, what are you gonna do about?” Lucas clinched his jaw drawing his face closer.

Raymond scoffed and moved closer too, then warned coldly.

“I swear I’m gonna kck your a$s Lucas”



NOTE: Searching for any story? Just go to google browser or any search engine, then type the title of the story with ‘‘ for example: In Between Love And Luxury Chapters 1 – 10

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Articles: 27

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