Avery Nelson

I and Hannah walked out of the cafeteria not noticing the pair of eyes staring at us.

Come on, let’s troll around.

That’s a good idea, Hannah said.

We began to walk while the breeze was hitting our face.

This is life, Hannah said.

I swear,see how big this place is.

We continued walking until we stopped in a big field filled with grassland.

We sat on the ground as we looked at each other before we started laughing.

This is going to be the best year of high school I can feel it, I said.

Me too and the fact that the A4 is around it’s going to be awesome.

Then there was silence, not in an awkward way but we both enjoyed it.

Hannah, I called her.

Hmm she said not looking at me.

What about the guy you like Westley, will you still continue to make him notice you?

She removed her eyes from the grass as she looked at me.

I don’t know Avery, but I’m just going to be myself and stop fooling around.

Yeah, I know it’s painful that the throne guy you’ve wished to meet for six years finally doesn’t remember you.

But I’ll just be the girl I am and instead of trying to make him remember or notice me I’ll just have fun but it wouldn’t hurt if I want to be his friend right?

Absolutely, I said.

This is why I love you.

And I love you too.

Avery, come on, let’s do something fun before we go to our hotel.

Like what,

Hannah held my hand as she dragged me up on my feet.

Let’s dance.

Hannah you know I’m a terrible dancer unlike you that’s a better dancer.

Yes, Hannah is a very good dancer.

Come on, we’ll just dance to the blackpink song dhu dhu dhu.

No Hannah, I’m not dancing to that song again.

Come on Avery, I taught you the choreography last year.

But I’m not a fan of kpop.

Come on Avery, it won’t hurt to have some fun dancing with kpop songs. Moreover, you are really good at dancing it better than I am.

You know that’s a lie.

You get my point please, pretty please.

I looked at Hannah before I said fine, but you owe me one Hannah you do.

Thank you.

She brought out her phone as she played the song.

And she and I started to dance and it was pretty amazing.

I looked at Hannah who was klling the dance but she smiled at me as I danced my heart out.



I shouldn’t have agreed to go on this trip , Mason said.

Dude you’re no fun at all, even Ariana said you should go and have some fun, Roy said.

Let’s just go and have the best fun of our life, this time it was Westley that said

While Oliver was just on his phone.

Do you do anything other than playing games on your phone, Roy said.

At least it’s better than fking bches every day, Oliver replied.

Can you guys just shut up , Westley said.

Everywhere was quiet.

Immediately we reached all the staff came and lined up as they all bowed their heads

The driver came to open the door for us as all of us came down.

We all walked out of the car and went towards the cafeteria because we were super hungry.

But immediately the girls sited us. They all went crazy and this is something I really hate.

We were blocked , I looked at Westley who had the same smile as he waved everyone.

Roy as usual was flirting with everyone and Oliver on his phone while I was with my cold expression.

We finally made it upstairs.

Our food was served.

We began to eat looking at everyone downstairs eating and sending flirting smiles to us.

But two girls caught my attention.

They weren’t dressed in short mini skirts like everyone else but they were putting on pajamas.

One was wearing a black plain pijamas and had long black hair just like Ariana.

I could see she’s really pretty whole. The other was putting on a I think that’s Korean musicians or whatever.

She had long blonde hair just like her friend.

I hit Westley beside me as he was also looking at them.

Is she the one with blonde hair? I asked Westley.

And he nodded his head not taking his eyes away from her

I looked at the both of them as they walked out of the cafeteria laughing outside.

That’s new, Roy said.

No one has ever left when we are around, he continued.

Oliver who was on his game looked and he was also surprised before returning to his game but not before putting a fry in his mouth.

I’m going for a walk, Westley said standing up.

I stood up too with him and immediately the girls told us they went crazy again.

God I hated this so much.

Westley looked at me and saw how uncomfortable I was.

So he said.

“Please could you let us pass, we have something to do urgently” he said with a smile on his face.

And all the girls moved aside , well that was easy

Immediately we were outside I could finally breathe.

Thanks man,

You’re my brother Mason.

Have you made your decision, mason?

I looked at him as I sighed.

I don’t know Westley I don’t think I can’t

I looked at him as he just hmm.

We walked a little bit until we heard laughing.

I looked at Westley and he was also looking at me.


We walked more and it was those girls back in the cafeteria.

They were dancing to kpop music and I could say they were pretty good dancers.

I looked over to Westley who had this smile on his face while his eyes were on the girl with blonde hair.

I decided not to ask anything as I just stood looking at both of them but mostly the one with black hair.

I don’t know why but she just makes me drawn to her.

As she slipped her hair and laughed it was time to slow down.

My eyes went wide as I knew how my heart began to beat faster.

I saw how beautiful her smile was.

She continued to dance , although we were far from them so I couldn’t see the color of her eyes.

She was pretty.

What, mason what has gotten into you
My mind screamed at me.

I quickly tore my eyes away from her as I looked at Westley who was looking at me.

Are you okay Mason?

Yes, I mean not really.

Can we go back to our suite? I need to get some rest.


I and Westley started to walk as her smile kept replaying in my mind.

This is really weird.

I looked at Westley who was just smiling.

I knew it was because of that girl .

I was closer to Westley than the others because he gets and understands me more and acts more mature.

He knows everything I was feeling and he’s someone I couldn’t hit any of my problems with.

There are some things I don’t tell Roy and Oliver but I tell it all to Westley.

He’s like the elder brother I never had even if we all are the same age.

You should talk to her, you know Westley.

I can’t talk to her.

I looked at him as I started to laugh.

You think too much Westley.

I know that.

As we walked into our suite Oliver and Roy rushed to us.

Where the hell were you guys? Oliver shouted.

I and Westley looked at him in shock Because Oliver isn’t the type to shout or display his worries.

We went for a walk

And we’ve been trying to call you guys none of you answered, this time it was Roy that said.

We brought out our phone 12 missed calls from Roy and 15 missed calls from Oliver.

Sorry, I muttered and Westley did the same.

I almost called the security to look for the both of you. Oliver said.

Awwwn he cares for us, Westley said.

And Oliver just walked away.

He cares as all of us went to hug him.

Get off, he said.

But we didn’t.

Finally we pulled out as Oliver was the first to say goodnight before entering his room.

Me, Westley and Roy burst out laughing.


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