Avery Nelson

It’s been a week now and I and Hannah have been on the news back and forth checking when our school will be mentioned.

Ever since Derick talked to Natasha he has been acting a little bit weird

He always asks me how Natasha was in school?, If she’s crying or if she was drinking.

It’s just weird but lately I noticed that Natasha has become so quiet which was also weird.

My brother and Natasha have just been acting so weird after they talked to each other.

Well, that’s not my problem because I can’t wait for us to get into that program.

I was in the sitting room on the news while my brother went to Natasha’s dad’s company to do whatever he had to do.

I was already bored until I heard something from the news that caught my attention.

Here is the list of the schools that were qualified for the FUN HIGHSCHOOL Programme.

School of the Elite.

I knew that would be number one considering the fact that billionaires’ children go there.

Diamond High.

Another rich school that’s after the elite school.

Mountain High school

I have sat there listening to the schools and I haven’t heard our school name.

If Natasha actually tricked me I swear I don’t care if she’s the daughter of a billionaire I’m going to pull every hair on her head.

The last school is….

West High School

Ohh my God, that’s our school.

I jumped up as I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed Hannah’s phone number.

After the first ring, she picked.

“We got in”.

We both shouted together.

“Ohh my God Avery, we actually got in. Thanks to you Natasha was able to get us on the list”.

“I’m so happy Hannah, I can’t wait for next Friday”.

“Avery get ready I’m coming to your house right now”.


You really don’t have a memory Avery.


Have you forgotten we are supposed to go shopping together if our school name is on the list?

Ohh right, totally forgot that.

I’ll be there in 5 minutes.



Now, I and Hannah are at the shopping mall. One of the most expensive shopping malls in the city was owned by Mr Freeman.

I took all my savings and my brother sent some money to me to enjoy myself.

We were both roaming around having fun , pointing at things we wished we could buy .

We went to the make-up session.

Ohh my God,

I rushed to where Hannah was.

What happened?

This lipstick is the best, this is what rich people are wearing but it’s freaking expensive.

I’m sure my baby BTS is also using it.

That’s it I smacked her on her head not hard

Ouch , what was that for.


You won’t understand.

Let’s go check others.

I pulled Hannah back,

What if we both join our money together and buy one. We can both share one.

That’s awesome Avery.


After 20 minutes, we got all the makeup we needed as we went to pay for it.

We decided to go get some new underwear.

But some group of girls screaming at the entrance got our attention.

I looked at Hannah,

Thinking what I’m thinking,

H’ll yes, she said.

Let’s go check it out.

We walked there as we pushed our way through and we were shocked at who we saw.

It was the 4 billionaire sons.

Mason Freeman

Westley Lance

Roy Harper

Oliver Risse.

Ohh my God this can’t be happening, why are they here?

Ohh God, Westley is so handsome?

Hannah kept blabbering as her attention was just on one person, Westley.

While my attention was on Mason Freeman.

I don’t know but I love the cold and bad a$s attitude he gives. It just makes me love him the most even if I know that he’ll never notice me.

Their bodyguards were trying to make way for them while girls were going more ¢razy for them.

I looked at Westley Lance, who was just waving to his fans with a smile on his face.

Roy Harper, who is flirting with some guys . He was blowing them kisses which made the girl beside me faint.

Oliver Risse, who had this impression of “I don’t care”, he doesn’t want to be here.

Mason Freeman, was just in his phone, not even bothering what was happening in front of him

He had this cold expression on his face and I loved it.

There’s just this bad cold expression that this guy has that makes him my biggest crush.

Not to mention he was so handsome.

I kept looking at Mason as I found my cheek red.

He’s just so perfect, but I’ll never fill myself in front of him or bring my self respect down by fooling around and screaming like someone that has a mental problem.

I just dragged Hannah out of the crowd.

Why did you pull me away?

Westley almost looked in my direction, my only chance of him noticing me was that you spoiled it.

Come on it’s getting late and we haven’t even started yet.

We bought some clothes as Hannah kept giving me a de.ath glare but I just ignored her totally.

Finally, I said stretching my hands.

Come on, let’s go home.

I will not forgive you for this Avery.

Let’s just go.

Immediately we stepped out Hannah ran and stood in a very expensive car.

This girl is getting on my nerves.

Hannah, what are you doing here?

This is Westley and others’ cars , they take this car whenever they are going out together.

So why are you here?

I’m waiting for Westley to come out of the mall.

Are you out of your mind?

Did you hit your head or something?

We are going home.

No I’m not till I see Westley.

Ohh God Hannah let’s go

Assuming Westley could have seen me and noticed me then all this would not be happening, but you decide and ruin my little chance.

Hannah please let’s go home, you’ll see him at the programme.

It’s too far.

That’s it I lost it, I grabbed her hands but she pulled away.

I’m serious Avery.

Can’t you see he’ll never notice you just accept that.

I could see a sad look on her face but it’s the truth

I’m not leaving here.

That’s how we started to argue and people that came out of the mall looked at us with a disgusting look.

Then, we stopped arguing when we heard the Hun of the car.

We looked at the car only to see that the four of them were inside.

Then Westley came out of the car.

Can you two move, we have somewhere to go.

Hannah looked at Westley and there was hurt on her face.

He doesn’t remember me, she whispered.

I quickly grabbed her hand and moved out of the way.

We’re both sorry.


With that he got back in the car as we watched them drive off.

He doesn’t remember me.

I looked at Hannah as tears were rolling down her eyes.

It’s been almost 6 years since he helped you , you can’t blame him.

But still,

He didn’t even look at my face

I feel so hurt considering I’ve been waiting for the day I’ll see him again.

It’s okay , I hugged her .

Come on let that not spoil our mood.

Let’s go get some ice cream the dad isn’t over.

Yes, Hannah said smiling.

We both walked to the ice cream shop.


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