Avery Nelson

After the test and the lesson was over I quickly went to meet my two besties.

How was your test?

It was fine , Tyler said and I looked at Hannah raising my eyebrows.

And you Hannah?

Ohh the test was awesome, she said and I could see the lie in her face.

Don’t tell me you were up all night watching BTS live.
Please tell me you didn’t do that.

Ohh my God, you won’t believe what ‘s happening in BTS.

Jin is actually going to serve his country and it makes me want to cry.

But don’t worry we army are going to always be there to cheer for him.

Yes, this is Hannah, always a fan of BTS and it’s really annoying because it’s like she spends all her time watching videos of them.

Are you kidding me Hannah?.

Do you think spending your time on BYS…….

It’s BTS.

Oh right BTS will help you this is our last year in highschool.

Stop wasting your time on people that don’t even know you at all.

But they care for our armys.

Say that word one more time and I’ll disown you right now and right here.

You know she’s right, Tyler said.

BTS won’t get you to university so take a break and focus on this year or I’ll be telling your parents that you spend all your time on BTS.

You wouldn’t dare Tyler.

Ohh I will and say goodbye to your Lovers especially suga and Jungkook.

That’s Hannah’s favourite and I wonder how Tyler really remembers their name while I don’t.

Fine I’ll focus after I watch one more video of them

Hannah!!!!!!,I and Tyler shouted together this time.

Fine , fine.

Now can we go to our next class and I’ll see you guys in the cafeteria later.


I said waving Hannah and Tyler.

I made my way to English class but then I was stopped by the school’s most popular and handsome bad boy Ryder.

I tried to get past him but he still blocked my way.

I sighed as I looked at him,

Ryder, could you please excuse me? I need to get to class.

Nope until you agree to go on a date with me.

That’s the last thing I’ll ever do .

I’ve known Ryder since I was middle school. He always bvllied me until highschool when I joined my brother here.

I looked at him as I just pushed him and walked away but instead he grabbed my arm and pulled me closer the kssed my neck and I lost it.

I raised my knee and kcked him in the balls making him move back and growling badly.
That serves him right.

I made my way to English class as I took my sit and guess who came to sit beside me Natasha.

I sighed as I faced the window not In the mood to start a conversation with her ..

Sometimes I see this girl as being a weirdo.

Like she has everything, money , fame but because of my brother she decided to stay in this school.

I mean there are other school that are far better than mine but she still stayed here because of a guy.

Love is blind truly.

I never liked her because she’s mean to everyone. Well I don’t blame her because she’s daddy’s girl but I love the fact that she’s loyal to my brother.

She has never looked at any guy the way she does to my brother ..

If she was a little bit nicer I would love her to date my brother but she’s really mean .

Hey Avery,

I didn’t bother to answer her.

Then she h!t my shoulder,

What Natasha I said not looking at her

His brother is going to pick you up.

Yes Natasha.

Okay, I won’t be able to see him because I have a very important event to attend so can you please give him this .

She said bringing out a file and giving it to me.

I looked at it and then back at her.

No, I’m not taking it from her.

No, I’m not taking Natasha.

Just take it and give it to your brother, I’m only doing this because I actually love your brother.

I looked at her before I said,

I’m sure there are other rich people that will love to date you because my brother is not as rich as you think so just give up the feeling because you and my brother can never work.

So word of advice, go date those rich guys that are In the same world as yours.

I turned back and faced the window but only to be dragged my Natasha out of the class.

What right do you have to tell me who I should like ? She said

I mean the only reason you like my brother is because of his face.

I looked at Natasha’s face and a look of hurt flash on her face.

But it was gone immediately,maybe I was imagining things.

The only reason I’m being nice to you is because of your brother, because I can make your life more miserable.

I know how much your brother care about you but don’t push me, Avery.

She was right about that but I knew she wouldn’t do anything.

What will you do to me Natasha? I said, smirking at her.

I knew this is wrong because I’m using the fact that because she likes my brother I’m taking it too far.

But it’s not my fault she was mean to me when I was newly in highschool she didn’t know that her crush is my brother.

Avery there are ways to hurt you without me doing anything and no one will know it’s me, because there’s no proof.

When you have the money you have the power, don’t push me Avery.

Just because I love your brother doesn’t mean you take it for granted.

With that she pushed the file to me and walked away.
I knew she was right about that last part .

She could hvrt me without her doing anything. I think I took this too far.

I looked at the file In my hand and sighed.

I went back to class as I sat down and looked back at the window.


Minutes later class was over as I quickly put the file in my bag and ran straight to the cafeteria.

I saw my two best friends as I took my seat beside them.

You won’t believe what just happened, Hannah said.


Tyler likes a girl.


Yes, he came to me to ask how to ask a girl out.

Ohh my God Tyler I’m happy for you.

But he just smiled nervously.

So who’s the lucky girl? I said.

He won’t talk. I’ve asked him a million times but he didn’t even bother answering me.

Come on Tyler.

H…hmmm guy…yes I’ll tell you guys later but now we can just eat.

No Tyler you….I cut Hannah off,

When he’s ready he’ll tell us now let’s just enjoy ourselves.

Avery, Tyler you know this year there ‘s going to be that program where different schools come together.

What’s the name again, Hannah said.


Funny enough I don’t know why everyone what’s to participate.Tyler said not looking interested.

You could find your soulmate there, have fun , do a lot of games, things high school students do to make your highschool life fun, that’s just what the programme is.

I hope our school will be nominated.

Me too,

But I doubt it , when there are other rich and big schools there, I said.

What if you ask Natasha to help us get into that Programme.

Are you kidding me?

I’m not doing that,

You know she’ll do that, she loves your brother and she’ll do anything to get your brother.

I’m not doing that,

Just use that as a means .


You can’t do that Avery. Tyler said.

Yes I’m not.

Avery think about it,

This is our last year in highschool and you know the programme is only for high schoolers.

We wouldn’t want to miss this.

Tell Natasha she’ll do it for you.

No I’m not.

Think about it Avery,

There are many opportunities you’ll get there, you know what I mean

Avery doesn’t do it.

I look at Tyler whose saying no and I look at Hannah whose saying yes.



But Tyler stood up and walked away.

What’s up with Tyler?

I don’t know.

Just know I’m only doing this because of the opportunity.

And I’ll be right back. I’ll go talk to Tyler.

Okay don’t forget you have to talk to Natasha okay.

I know I know.

I love you Avery, Hannah said shouting.

And I hate you too.



Avery Nelson

I rushed out of the cafeteria and I ran to meet up with Tyler.

Tyler wait,

But he didn’t answer or look back as I continue to run after him.

I held his shoulder holding him to stop as my breathing was heavy. I was never really good at anything sport.

I waited some time to catch my breath.

I looked up to Tyler,

What’s up Tyler?

Why did you decide to walk out ?

I know you aren’t really happy about it but please come on.

Yeah I know I really want to attend the programme and also for the opportunity I can get.

My parents aren’t really rich and I really want to help them in the best way I can.

So please can you not be offended with me at all.

I looked up to see Tyler but he was still quiet.

Then he sighed before he held my hands.

Avery I’m not angry or upset with the fact that our school will be going but because you are also going.

What do you mean by that?

What if a guy try to h!t on you?

What if you end up falling in love with someone?

You know you’re beautiful and other guys will want to get to you .

I don’t want that because you’re someone special to me.

Don’t worry Tyler , moreover you’ll be there with me so if any guy tries nonsense you’ll kick their bvtt.

I said chuckling a little making Tyler to smile a little bit.

Then he brought his hands to my cheek as he started to rub it gently which was kind of weird.

But you might fall in love with someone
And I don’t want that.

Come on Tyler even if I do you’re my best friend and you’ll surely be happy with me.

You don’t get Avery, I can’t believe you’ve been so ignorant all this years that you didn’t notice at all.

Notice what, I said.

Then Tyler took a step closer to me as he hand didn’t leave my cheek.

I don’t want you to go because am scared you’ll fall in love with someone or someone lusting over you.

My reason is because……

Because?????? I said ,

It’s because i lo….

Then the bell was rang and i looked at Tyler.

I guess our lunch time it’s over and maybe we could talk later because I have biology right now.

Later i said waving Tyler.

I quickly took my book fron my locker as I went to class.

Before I made my way I notice that I haven’t seen Hannah.

We are supposed to have biology together while Tyler was having computer.

I ran to the cafeteria only to see my best friend sitting at the same spot i left her.

She was with her phone watching something and my guess was BTS.

If it was BTS I swear I’ll kll her ..

I took a step forward as I looked at her and I guess it correctly because she waa actually watching BTS.

I felt like klling this girl right now.


I screamed as she quickly put her phone away .

Are you kidding me right now BTS when we are supposed to be in class right now.

No I was just….

Scrolling around.

One more BTS again and I promise no going to talk to Natasha for FUN HIGHSCHOOL.

No I promise no BTS again.

Let’s go to class now.

We made our way to class.

Few hours later

Finally the bell was heard and it was closing time.

Can’t wait to go home and eat.

I waved my best friend bye as I waited for my brother.


Minutes later I saw him as I ran to hug him.

Someone missed me, he said smirking.

Indeed, missing you will be the last thing I’ll ever do so don’t let your head swell up.

When I go to school we shall see who will be begging me to come home.

We walked together and immediately I reached home I throw my bad away as I went to the kitchen.

I knew that Mom will not be around till around 11pm.

I looked at the put and it was my favorite food spaghetti.

I quickly served myself as I went to the dinning table to eat.

I was really happy as I eat it in peace.


Later my brother came to join me as he asked how was school

How was your test?

I know I’ll get 100 because the question was really easy.

That’s by girl…..

Ohh Natasha said I should give you something.

I quickly picked my bag on the floor going back to the dinning table.

I brought out the file on the table as I handed it to my brother.

He opened it and I saw his face change.

Then he gave it to me and said;

Tell her I said I don’t need it.

I quickly took a look at what it says,

It’s offering my brother a model job in one of the biggest model company in the city and it was owned my Natasha dad.

You know if you take this job it could change our life.

I know Avery but I don’t want to take it because Natasha will want something and I’ll have to date her.

You know I feel nothing for her.

Moreover I don’t want anyone to pity me because we are poor .

Okay .

I quickly ate my food as I went upstairs to my room.

I quickly took my bath as I wore my pijamas.

I decided to study but I was distracted by how I was going to make Natasha help us get into there.

11 schools are only needed
And fir sure the top 5 elite school will always be there.

9 schools has been picked and we are running out of time.

Then an idea cane into my head as I smiled.

I brought out my phone as I messaged Natasha.

Can we meet tommorow morning.

It took awhile before she replied.

If it’s about your brother then okay.

This girl is really obsessed with my brother.

I dropped my phone and I felt sleepy before I layed on my bed allowing the darkness to take over me.


I woke up and it was kind of strange because my brother will be hitting my door.

I checked the time and it was almost 8.

I jumped up as I ran to the bathroom after 5 minimum o came out.

Putting on a sun dress and taking my bag running downstairs.

Good morning mom ,

But I had no reply.

I saw a letter on the table.

I opened it and read it,

Avery I got early because I had an interview in Havard and I didn’t want to wake you up.

Mom also went to work early because they were having an important guest.

I promise to pick you up from school.

From your brother Derrick.

I ran out of the house as I walked as fast as I can to school.

Immediately I entered I was breathing like a mad person. Then someone pulled me.

Speak,I looked up and saw Natasha.

My brother didn’t take the offer,

But she still kept a straight face.


I can make my brother sign it on one condition.

Immediately she was quick to answer.

Name it,

You get our school into FUN HIGHSCHOOL.

If you do that I’ll make my brother sign the contract abd you’ll be able to see him as you like because your dad owns the company.

Do we have a deal?

Yes, deal.

I said smiling.

What if I get out school to that programme and your brother doesn’t sign it.

Don’t worry he listens to me and hekl definitely sign it.

Now you’re thinking like a normal human being should.

Natasha said before walking away.


I said making my way to class.


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