Castillo and his crew were seated majestically and were stylishly searching for Ivy with their eyes. When they searched in vain, they gave up, they concluded maybe she wasn’t at the cafeteria today.

Ivy on the other hand was also stylishly hiding her face. There are so many students present here, and this is the last thing she wants to happen to her.

Castillo used his finger to summon one of his guards, and the guard came immediately.

“You know that lady we’re always with at the empty classroom?” Castillo asked calmly.

“Yes young boss”

“Good! I want you to search for her and bring her here right away!” He instructed.

“Yes young boss” he said and bowed before walking away.

Ivy noticed this movement and assumed he may be looking for her, so she quickly bowed her head.

Alvin saw all these and was really disturbed. What is wrong with Ivy???

The guard moved from table to table taking a look at each of the student’s face. He was doing this exercise round all the table, but he could not find Ivy.

Castillo and the rest of them stared keenly from where they sat. Castillo was confused;

Could it be that she ran away upon seeing them? But she would have been caught. Or maybe she’s absent today, or she’s even dropped out. Who knows…….

Just as all this was going on, Cassie and her girls walked into the cafeteria. They quickly rushed down here when they heard that the C4’s were in the cafeteria, and that they also gave students permission to remain there.

This was really nice, coz she’s always waited for a day like this, to openly show off to the students that Castillo was hers.

She walked straight to where the C4’s were seated and sat close to Castillo. She was allowed to meet him, but her girls were not allowed, as they were blocked by the bouncers.

They all knew Cassie’s father, and they knew Castillo had no problem with her around him, that was why she was always allowed close to him, except he instructs them not to let her in.

Natasha and Anabella eyed the bouncers harshly, before taking their seat at a nearby table.

Meanwhile, the guard was still looking round, searching for ivy. He was still searching all the tables, and then he finally got to Ivy’s table, but her head was bowed.

He looked at the table like he has been looking at the others, but he could not find her. He gave up and started moving away, he moved a little bit, but suddenly halted. He turned back and walked back to their table. Huh!!!

“Hey you, your heads up” he instructed harshly, out of nowhere, and all Ivy’s system froze immediately, while Courtney’s eyes widened in shock.

“And why is that?” Leo questioned boldly.

“Look, I am not here to make any trouble, I just need her to raise her head and that’s all” the guard answered. Leo was ready to defend her, but Alvin tapped him lightly on the arm.

“It’s okay man, it’s Ivy’s face they wanna see right? She’s just gonna raise her head, let them see so they can move with their problem. Ivy has nothing to do with them right?” He mouthed, and Leo and Courtney passed strange glances at each other.

If only Alvin knew!!

“Ivy lift your head” he said to Ivy, but she was reluctant.

Alvin was surprised, but he was also ready to force her. And seeing the situation was already f*cked up, ivy slowly lifted her head from the table.

“It’s her!” The guard exclaimed immediately he saw her face, and this got the attention of all the students now.

Already some students were looking at them before, but now almost all the students in the cafeteria turned their attention that way.

“Excuse me! What do you mean?” Alvin asked aggressively as he stood up.

“She’s the one my young boss is looking for” the guard replied.

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about” Alvin fired.

“You can ask the lady, she knows what I’m talking about. She’s always with my young boss and his friends” the guard spilled, and Alvin quickly turned to Ivy.

“Ivy is this shit this guy spitting true?” He asked and Ivy remained silent, as she just kept staring at her shoe.

“Answer the question Ivy!” Alvin roared, and she bursted into tears.

“What!!!!” Alvin darted his lips in shock.


And now, so many students were still watching.




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