The black tyres of the white Bombardier Global Expressed touched down on the Nnamdi Azikkwe airport Abuja, the ramp was dropped down, some members from pastor Gamadi’s church In Makurdi had walked to the international wing to welcome pastor Gamadi, Seember was looking radiant as if she was had gone for a vacation.

Anabel and Martins had been in the Asokoro mansion since two days before the arrival of her parents.

Her father was using a walking stick , Seember aided him down the steps of the ramp. She was dressed in a white lace A line gown, a big brown sunscreen covered her eyes.

The pastor went down on his knees immediately he touched his feet on the soil of Nigeria.

He knelt down and lifted his hands in the air in prayers, all his congregants who had travelled to Abuja to welcome him, and the members from the Abuja branches joined him in prayers.


When they had finished praying Anabel leapt on her mother.
“Wow Anabel please don’t make me fall.” Seember cried in delight. Anabel wouldn’t let go.

“Mummy I missed you so much.” her father watched in amazement, she rushed to her dad and embraced him too. “Daddy you’re welcome you don’t know how much I’ve missed you guys.” Anabel.

Martins was carrying a baby boy and beside him, stood a little girl bearing a bouquet of yellow flowers walked to the pastor and his wife and handed the flowers the pastor. “You’re welcome back to Nigeria grandpa and grandma.” she said, Seember scooped her from the ground.

“Seember my namesake you’re all grown up. So fast it’s been three years now?” she asked rhetorically. The pastor was scanning the faces of more than ten people gathered around, looking for Dooshima. When he couldn’t bear the doubts in his heart he asked Anabel.


” Where is Dooshima? ” She smiled with a guilty face.

” Let us go home, we’ll talk about Dooshima.” Anabel said, the pastor was discouraged, his protocol led him into the bullet proof SUV, Seember joined him, Anabel came to the car, Seember had joined her grandparents.

” Are we going to Makurdi or Asokoro.” she asked her parents.
” Driver take me straight to Gboko!” He commanded.

“But honey won’t that journey be too long, we could have rested in Abuja for one two days before we leave, so you can relax.” Seember advice.

“No but but, I want to go home.” He said. “Hemen move the car.” He ordered. the chartered private jet had landed at seven in the morning, the convoy of five SUVs headed for Makurdi through the Lafia – Makurdi highway.


The interior of the car, was freezing cold, the sunlight burning outside the car, couldn’t penetrate the thick tinted bullet proof windscreens, the pastor was lost in his thoughts.

He had been asking after Dooshima for one year, since after he came out of coma, they kept telling him stories, he feared if she was still alive.

Seember knew what was going on in her husband’s head.
“Calm down honey we’re going to find Dooshima.” She said holding his arm.

“Grandma who is Dooshima?” Seember jnr. Asked.
“Oh she’s your aunt, have you ever met her?” she asked the little girl shook her head vigorously.

“No I don’t know her, where is she at?” She asked her grandmother. Seember smiled.
“Baby we don’t know where she is.” She said caressing the girl’s hair.

“I cannot believe Anabel could be this callous, so if we were no more, is that how she would have handled the family? For over three years she had not seen her sister didn’t care to look for her? There’s money, we have houses.”The pastor mumbled. ”


Hemen why did you not call madam to report to her that Dooshima came to the house and her siblings couldn’t allow her access the house? ” He asked the driver, he couldn’t say anything to defend himself.

” Sir-the truth-is that I wasn’t in Gboko, I was told by the former gate man. And I didn’t want to worry madam.” He said. The pastor sat quietly for the rest of the journey. When they arrived at Gboko his country town, the news had gone far and wide.

The whole town gathered at the pastors residence singing and praising God, the SUVs meandered through the mammoth crowd of well wishers who had gathered to welcome him.

The pastor came down from his vehicle with the help of Seember, one hand holding his walking stick he waved at the people with his free hand.

“I am back, you’re all welcome, I am happy for the love you’ve shown me, may the Lord bless each and everyone of you.”He said waving at them. Seember helped him up to his room.

” Please tell the people to go I’ll see them when I’m better.” pastor Gamadi said to Seember.

Charles and Chris his two sons who were Dooshima’s immediate younger brothers came to the master bedroom to welcome their father. Seember had taken off the pastor’s shirt, he was in his singlet. And trousers.

” Good evening dad and mum.”Charles and Chris said, trying not to make eyes contacts with him, the pastor was silent for over a minute not responding to his sons greeting.

” Honey the boys are greeting you.”Seember said.

” I can see them. ” he said” If your elder sister decided to be foolish, so you’ll join her in her foolishness? ” He asked the twins, they couldn’t say a word they kept mopping at their feet.”

Even if I had died so you would have turned your backs on your sister? If the foolish boy left her, so you her family would also abandon her? I am disappointed at you Charles, I thought you learnt things from me. The three of you should go and look for my daughter.


I am not happy with you. Please leave my room.” The boys folded their tails in their buttocks as they left , head covered in shame.

The pastor was tired of his wife’s cover ups, he had insisted a week before they left London to speak with Mimidoo, he couldn’t understand what cover up stories Seember had been throwing at him, since talking to Dooshima was absolutely impossible.

Mimidoo had told him all Dooshima had seen, and how she had disappeared from the home of Ogwuche’s uncle. He wondered how she must have been treated for her to run from everyone the pastor shed some tears.

Terdue had brought painters from Makurdi, to repent Dooshima’s room and he replaced all demaged furniture, also got her television set and DSTv Decoder, with grandma’s blessings. He bought a bag of rice for mama


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