Terfa hurried up to catch up with Dooshima, as she strode away , Dooshima was dragging Shiana along , the child wanted to run back to the weeping man.

“Mummy you said Daddy was dead .” the girl mumbled . “Let go of my hand mummy , you lied to me .” Shiana pulled her hands from her mother’s , and shot herself fast like a supersonic bomb.

In a second she was on the staircase leading to the upstairs were her grandmother’s room was , she went in and banged the door .

Seember noticed her grand child was upset , next she saw Dooshima and Terfa walk into the sitting look , with a sad grimace all over them .

The guests were enjoying Beneseed soup and pounded yam , prepared with goat meat , and smoked catfish .Professor Gamadi noticed the change in his daughter’s countenance , Dooshima was looking withdrawn,she sat next to Terfa but he knew she was a thousand miles away .

His mouth itched to ask her what the problem was.
Seember went upstairs to her room to meet Shiana , she knocked on Her door , she knew her grandchild too well , when she was pissed she would run up to her room and lock herself in.

Seember knocked on the brown Turkey imported door , Shiana didn’t say anything, she repeated the knock the second time .

“Go away grandma I don’t want to talk to anyone .” Shiana said , her grandmother begged for a long while before she agreed to come down from the king size bed to open the door.

Seember saw her grand daughter, she was cleaning the tears that was sipping from her eyes with the back of her hand .
“What is it Shiana ?why are you crying ? Did you and your mummy have a fight ?” Seember asked , Shiana nodded .

“What happened?” Seember asked , as she sank into plopped on the bed ,arms around her grand daughter.

“I’ve been seeing other children with their mothers and fathers, but I had only my mummy , whenever I asked mummy of my dad , she said he was dead , but today I saw my daddy .” Shiana said with a sad puppy eyes .

“He told mummy he didn’t just abandon us , that his daddy is a bad man , that he put a charm on him . Grandma is it fair that mummy told me my dad is dead ?”Shiana asked , Seember caressed the hairs of her beautiful and intelligent grand child,kissed her forehead.

“Baby am sorry that we didn’t tell you about your dad , we didn’t want you to be hurt.”Seember said ..

“But grandma you’ve been telling me to never lie, to always say the truth, but everyone lied to me.” She said with a disheartening voice.

“We’re all sorry . I’ve to go back to the guests downstairs, we’ll talk about this some other time okay ? forgive your mummy okay ?” She told Shiana . “You know your mummy loves you right ?” Shiana slowly nodded .
“So please forgive her .” Seember said and got up from the bed , the door creaked and shut itself up ,after Seember left .

she got to the sitting room , Terfa’s parents and uncles were set to go , they were just waiting to bid Seember farewell, they had fixed a date for the traditional wedding, just two weeks away.

Dooshima and her parents accompanied Terfa and his family to the carport , Lexus and Toyota SUVs covered the carport , brand new cars .

The professor was talking to Terfa’s father and mother , While Seember stood beside him ,they all laughed at the top of their voices and made jokes .

Terfa was standing beside his car , a Luxus Salon car , it had tinted glasses and big exhaust. “Dooshima are you sure his Coming back wouldn’t affect our relationship?” Terfa asked his fiancee .

“No it wouldn’t, Ogwuche is in my past , I cannot keep dancing in one circle , in three weeks time this will all he over.”Dooshima said with all sincerity , she wanted to get married,she would never deny Ogwuche the opportunity to see his daughter, but she just didn’t want the intertribal marriage anymore, she blamed herself for taking that path in the first place .

“Thank you babe for choosing me , I won’t let you down .” Terfa affirmed , while holding Dooshima’s hand in his palms .”I’ll love you with the last blood in my vein .”He promised before getting into his car .

He put the car in reverse and joined his father’s convoy of eight Lexus S570 and Toyota Landcruiser Prado bullet proof SUVs. Dooshima’s feet were planted in one place , as she watched the Cars go , she was so weak , she just wanted to get into her room and sleep.

“I need to sleep , I need to clear my throbbing head , this headache is too much .”Dooshima mumbled , she went into her room and slept from three P.M to six P.M when her dad walked into her room.

“Oh sorry Dooshima I woke you up .” The professor begged . “I thought you were awake , I wanted to discuss something with you , but it seems you’re sleepy , I’ll come back later .” The professor said turning back .

“No I’m fine daddy , please come in .” Dooshima said , she yawned stretched ,and shifted for her dad to sit next to her . the professor was wearing a sky blue pajamas.

“Your mother told me what transpired downstairs, I’ve asked that Adejio is moved back to Abuja , it was really unprofessional of him to harass the innocent man.” The prof Gamadi said, Dooshima nodded but didn’t say a word , she moved her locked hair that had fallen over her eyes .

The professor placed both elbows on his thighs close to his knee cap , his fingers intertwined. “I was just confused about what to say to you, I know the bond you shared with that young man , and you have a child for him, but then the friend or my son has proposed to you , and we’re about doing the traditional marriage.

What is your plans ?” Professor Gamadi asked . Dooshima was quiet for over a minute .
“Daddy I don’t know what to do .” She said forcing the tears forming in her eyes to cease . “I am thirty one years old now , I want to be married , my life was on hold for seven years, because of him … Now I found a man worthy he showed out of the blues .”Dooshima said ,the professor nodded .

“Should we call off your marriage to Terfa? my spirit is telling you’ll find had to cope in that marriage , I see him all over you , but you drag your feet .” The professor said , Dooshima sighed .

“We are not calling off anything Paul , why are you the one misleading this girl ? How would you want to give our daughter, to a man from a demonic family? Dooshima is marrying Terfa final! Stop encouraging nonsense!” Seember yelled .

“Don’t talk to me in that tone! is something wrong with you Seember ? I’m the man of this house and your pastor , you !use accord me that respect .” the professor said .

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