The Mobile police men at the gate wouldn’t let him come close to the gate , they chased him away , threatening to beat him up if he stepped a foot at the gate again .

Ogwuche kept wandering up and down the street ,hoping he could run into any of Dooshima’s family members. His uncle had cut short his journey in the village and rushed to Gboko to meet Ogwuche .

He drove to the pastor’s house in the evening and asked for Ogwuche .
Agada showed the mobile men at the pastor’s gate Ogwuche’s pictures on his phone asking if they had seen him.

“He was here , behaving like a crazy man , trying to force his way in.” The mobile man said , the mobile police men knew Agada he was always in the pastor’s house whenever they returned from Abuja .

“He’s Shiana’s father , he’s not been well , he just want to see Shiana and her mother .” Mr Agada said .

“Well sir you people should tie him if he’s not well , he shouldn’t come and do nonsense here again oh , he’ll see anyhow if he does anyhow .” The police man said .

“Please which way did he go ?” Agada asked .
“He went this way . He was sitting at that shop there when we chased him with a cane , tell him not to come near here again oh!” The police men warned .

Agada drove towards the shop to search for his nephew. Ogwuche was sitting on the pavement ot the shop corridor.
“Ogwuche what are you doing there ?” Agada asked , Ogwuche hissed and turned away from his uncle .

“Come on we have to go home .” He said , Ogwuche refused to listen ,Agada moved his vehicle from the side of the road and walked to where Ogwuche was sitting , he put a hand on his shoulders Ogwuche pushed it off .
“Ogwuche you cannot continue like this , this isn’t how to win Dooshima back .” He said softly and calmly . People who had come to buy stuffs stopped to watch the drama, Ogwuche reluctantly got into the vehicle.

He got home , Ada had prepared his old room for him , Victoria had gotten married and had moved away from home , Victor was in Mr Agada’s Abuja residence . Ogwuche avoided Ada as he had done in the burial , she tried to get close to him , he would walk away .

For almost one week , be would go to the front of the minister’s home , wait for hours , he would get back home discouraged , he had gone to their church to look for Mimidoo , he was told she had gotten married and had moved to Abuja .

On the Saturday that would make Ogwuche’s return to Gboko one week , he ran into Mimidoo and her husband ,with their kids driving into the ministers gate , he ran after her .

“Mimidoo , Mimidoo please wait!” Ogwuche cried chasing after the car , just outside the gate house .

“Jesus Ogwuche what happened to you ?” Mimidoo asked , she couldn’t believe the handsome young man she had known had suddenly become a shadow of himself .

“Please is Dooshima around ? please tell her I am picked her , tell her to come and see me please it’s important.” He said almost crying , just then a police man with a long stick walked up to Ogwuche and flogged him .

“I’ve warned you not to come to this gate! if you’re made I’ll cure your madness!” He yelled at him , Ogwuche ran across the road .

“Jesus sir you cannot do that ! that was too mean of you !” Mimidoo yelled at the police man .

“What will you do ? can you beat me ? if you don’t want to go I’ll will tell the Gateman to lock the gate , useless woman .” He caused , Mimidoo asked her husband to drive in .

“Oga what right do you have to hit me with a stick ?” Ogwuche asked the man .

“If you come here I’ll kill! I’ll shoot you if you dey mad Na here them do you .” he cocked his rifle , expecting Ogwuche to run away , but instead Ogwuche began walking to him .”You’re coming Abi ? I’ll shoot you! how many times have I told you not to come here !” the police man screamed at the top of his voice .

“I’ve been looking for death , Oga kill me now .” Ogwuche walked up to his face in front of the gate .

“Comout here! I say comout here ! I’ll shoot oh!” He yelled Ogwuche refused to , the man began to flog Ogwuche’s legs and body , while his colleagues tried to pull him away .

“Oga kill me , I won’t run , I said I want to see my child and her mother , what did I do ? why are you beating me? what did I do ? am I a thieve , Oga see how you injured me , just kill me .” Ogwuche said he had started bleeding from his head , the police man was dragged into the compound by his colleagues.

Mimidoo had arrived late for Dooshima’s introduction , she had gone in and whispered to Dooshima’s ear what she had seen outside , Dooshima took excuse from her parents and Terfa’s parents , she followed Mimidoo outside , together with her husband they walked for three minutes before reaching the gate .

She met the police men forcing their colleague to sit down , he was a bull he wanted to go out and deal with Ogwuche, her heart was beating I’m her chest she wondered what had gone over him .

“Officer Adejio why would you assualt him ? where in the police act that empowers you to assualt a citizen? was he armed ?” Dooshima asked .”I am going to report you to my father , this is not a behaviour a trained police man should put on .” Dooshima yelled , Ogwuche heard her voice ,Shiana had followed her mum downstairs.

“Dooshima ? Dooshima !” Ogwuche kept screaming over and over , Dooshima got outside , she was dressed in a sky blue native skirt and blouse , with a gele head tie . Dooshima was shaking , her knees were trembling , for the first time in almost eight years she saw Ogwuche .

Shaina followed outside the gate , she held her mouth as tears fell from her eyes .

“Dooshima am sorry , I didn’t leave you , I could never leave you , I would die before I leave you . My father messed me up that day . Is that our baby ?” Ogwuche asked pointing at Shiana , the girl looked at Ogwuche for a while , she moved away from behind her mother , who was frozen in tears , she walked towards the strange man who had same eyes and lips like her .

“Mummy is he my daddy ?” Shiana asked Dooshima couldn’t say a word . Shiana continued walking until she reached Ogwuche . “But mummy you said daddy was dead ?” Shiana said innocently with a puppy eyes , Ogwuche embraced his daughter and wept sore , he was on his knees as he hugged Shiana .

“What’s the issue here .” Terfa asked as he walked out of the gate to meet the reunion between father and son ,he was wearing a matching native with Dooshima ., Dooshima wiped the tears from her eyes .

“It’s nothing he was about leaving .” Dooshima said , Terfa was still perplexed, he wondered if that was the Ogwuche Dooshima had spoken so highly of ,he was looking like a prison that had just been released from prison and why was he bleeding . “Ogwuche I’ll have the driver take you the hospital to get treated , I’ll report the police to my dad .” She paused .

“If you had come here with dreams that we can start what you had abandoned , then you’re wrong , Ibe moved on , it’s been eight years already ,this is my fiance , we came home for our traditional marriage , today is the introduction, the traditional marriage and church wedding is in three weeks .” Dooshima said .

“I am happy you’ve regained your freedom , you’ll always have access to your child , nobody will harass you , but I’ve burnt that bridge .” Dooshima said as she turned around to leave , Dragging Shiana along .

“Nooo! Dooshima please, I can’t breath without you baby , I was a prisoner .” Ogwuche he sat on his buttocks , on the tarred road,weeping.

“Am sorry brother take heart .” Terfa said as he went after his fiance , Mimidoo and her husband tried to console Ogwuche , but he couldn’t hear any word ” why would Dooshima wait all this while and get married now ?” he cried .

He got up and trudged away . He refused to be taken to the hospital where Dooshima had promised to treat him , he had nothing to fight for , nothing to hope for , he loved his daughter ,but without the mother he knew he would die from heartbreak,Ogwuche cussed at his father , he said he would never rest in peace .

To be continued……
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