“Oh my pastor ? were you the one worrying sick for over three years when you were all hooked up to the life support machine ? Were you the had to choose , between her husband and her pregnant daughter? were you the one who had to feed you and clean you up ? Paul I’m warning you, if you allow that boy into this family don’t blame me for what would happen next .” Seember said tears rolling down her eyes .

“I’ve said my mind , let Dooshima marry Terfa , he’s from a responsible boy , from a respected family. Stop confusing our daughter .” Seember said riled up .

“But what if the boy is the plan of God for Dooshima? for eight years he didn’t come back , and showed up on Dooshima’s introduction? don’t let your human sentiments cloud your mind .” professor Gamadi said , Seember’s arms were folded over her chest , as she paced up and down Dooshima’s room .

“Plan of ? the bible said his plan is to give a prosperous future , that boy is literally mad , he’s crazy , I got the information he has been lurking around our neighbourhood, what If he hurts us ?” She asked .

“Come on Seember you know that boy was a perfect gentleman, I’ll give him credit , he owned up to his mess , and took care of Dooshima for months, until his father imprisoned him . We are Christian leaders , we can help that boy , he’s a medical doctor, and our relative through our grandchild , how can you be so mean?” The pastor cried .

“Paul I’ve told you , call me the devil I don’t care , I’ll have nothing to do with that young man who ruined the peace in my family .” Seember said and stomped out of the room , she banged the door behind her .
The pastor kept brushing his thighs with his palms to heat it up . Dooshima was quiet like a hare , she folded herself together as if she was in Antarctica, freezing to death .

“Dooshima I know you love that young man , don’t bow to pressure from me or your mum , go back to God in prayers , if he’s the one for you , tell me so I could call off this marriage , I would hate to see my flower unhappy all her life , a broken relationship is better than a broken marriage .” The professor said before walking out of his daughters room .

The days rolled faster than horses hoofs , Shiana had excommunicated her mother , she only greeted her and give her monosyllabic responses when Dooshima spoke to her ,she joined Seember’s car , when the minister was ready to return to Abuja after the introduction and on week vacation in Abuja .

Dooshima has tried to speak to Shiana to make her understand, but she wouldn’t listen , she felt betrayed.

“Shiana stop running away from me , I am sorry , I couldn’t tell you about your daddy , he left us when we needed him the most .” Dooshima said , she had Shiana was just quiet .

“Now I’ve a man who loves me and wants to be your daddy …”The girl puller her hands from her mother’s .

“Mummy he can never be my daddy , my dad is in Gboko.” Shiana ran away from Dooshima’s room and went down to her grandmother, in the garden outside the house .

Dooshima noticed she was growing cold feet towards Terfa , but she knew she couldn’t pull away from the relationship , she couldn’t take another broken relationship she just had to marry him .

Terfa had called her five times , while she was in the office the next day , she ignored his calls

“Hello Dooshima why have you not been taking my call ?” Terfa asked in frustration.

“Am sorry Terfa , I’ve been busy here at work .” Dooshima said .
“Been busy since morning ? I’ve called you six times now , is he that your phone is on silence ?” He asked .

“No my phone isn’t on silence ,I’m just busy , can we talk later ?” Dooshima said .

“No we cannot talk later , let’s talk now , are you trying to break up from me Dooshima?” Terfa asked . “Because your crazy boyfriend who got you pregnant and ran away showed up in front of your house ?” Terfa asked angrily .

“You know what Terfa? I’m not going to have this discussion with you . I’m hanging up the call right now .” Dooshima said .
“Go ahead, hang up you think I don’t know that it’s because of him you’ve been giving me attitudes? you take hours to reply my WhatsApp messages , you won’t return my missed calls , you must think I’m the stupidest person on earth.”

Terfa blurted , Dooshima was just quiet . “Dooshima If you want to breakup with me and go back to him , just do it and stop pretending!” He barked and hung the call.

Dooshima stretched out on the brown desk in her office , she had cases her boss had asked that she studied , the court dates were fast approaching , she couldn’t afford to let anything distract her .

“Dooshima are you okay ?” Cynthia a fellow fresh lawyer asked , she had been employed to the federal ministry of Justice , during the last promotion.

“Am fine Cynthia am fine .” Dooshima said .
“You look like a mess , is that you didn’t sleep well last night ?” Cynthia asked , Dooshima smiled .

“Am fine Cynthia ,I just have a lot on my plate , but I’ll be fine .” She nodded and went away. Dooshima went through the cases and typed her response on her MacBook pro PC.

She had bent down to wear her black flat heel shoes, when Terfa walked in with a bouquet of flowers, he had branched on his way from work , he was working with his father at his Chamber, he left work earlier that evening , so he could meet Dooshima at the office .

“Dooshima I might have said lots of rubbish to you over the phone , I had to come here and apologise to you , please accept this flower from me . I let jealousy get the best of me .” he apologized .

Dooshima took the flowers from him . “I don’t know why you should be jealous , I might have had something with Ogwuche eight years ago , it didn’t last that long and I had a child , that’s it , I am ready to marry you , just stop being a spoilt brat.” Dooshima said Terfa lips curved in a smile .

“Well I am a brat when my love interest is threatened . I made a reservation for us at Paradise restaurant, would you please honour my invite to dinner ?” He asked Dooshima , she smiled and followed him out of her office .

Psalm was waiting for her at the reception . “Are you ready to go ?” he asked Dooshima she smiled at him and nodded , he got up , and put his iPad into his pocket , he went to the car park and drove Dooshima’s Range Rover out , She climbed in , they drove behind Terfa as they meandered through the ever busy Wuse road , they got to the restaurant at Wuse two , the car park was filled with expensive SUVs, Dooshima invited Psalm to join them for dinner.

Terfa was not so pleased, he wanted it to be a time between him and Dooshima and she was bringing a third party . But he couldn’t complain not to get Dooshima riled up .

The live jazz band ,played on the grand piano , saxophones and trumpet, with a sonorous voice from a slim black skin lady filled the air with sweet melody.

To be continued…….


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