“Aaaarh in this life you have to marry right oh my daughter. You’ll Terdue is going to regret it , he was so foolish , when you marry the wrong person , someone you do not love , you’ll wake up everyday with regret building up in your chest .” Grandma said , Dooshima listened calmly as she spoke .

“When I wanted to marry my late Husband Andrew my parents refused .”She coughed so hard , that Dooshima got up to go and call the doctor . “Don’t bother Dooshima I don’t want any drug or injection in my body .”She said and lay her hand on her face .

“There were many rich men who wanted to marry me , I was so beautiful just like you , but I choose Andrew , he was a sweetheart, I enjoyed every minute with him , but you know our men, drinking was his problem , he drank so much.”She smiled as she reminisced on her past .

“I remember a day I returned from the shop, a lady came to me that she was looking for Andrew, I asked her who she was , she said she was Andrew’s girlfriend.

I welcomed her into the house , I sent a message to him , I told Aaron to go and tell his father at his duty post at the gate of the Dodam Barracks in Lagos , that his mother said ,he should come and meet his girlfriend at home , that she’s waiting, Andrew was a Corporal then in the Nigeria army .” She laughed at her own story , Dooshima just watched attentively.

“He took permission from his staff sergeant and rode his Kawasaki double exhaust motorcycle ,I heard the sound of his motorcycle from many streets away , it roared like the machine they use in cutting trees , you know those machines ?” She asked Dooshima nodded . “He was soaked in sweat , he came into the house to face the girl , she was a tiv girl , he was in his was in his full military camouflage uniform . He was like Ember! Ember what are you doing here ? do you want to ruin my marriage you witch! get out of here who is your boyfriend! He held the lady and threw her out of the house .” Grandma laughed so hard , that the patients on the neighbouring beds murmured.

“Well I went in I started packing my children’s clothes , I moved my box to the living room , I was quite young then ,I wanted to go back to my parent, I didn’t want to sleep one extra day under his roof , I thought drinking was my husband’s only vice during our first eight years of marriage , I never knew the military sickness of cheating was also his problem , he begged , he got down on his knee. Please Mesuur you cannot leave me , where are you taking the children to at this time of the night ?” He begged holding my hands I angrily shoved his hands away as I went about packing my things .

“Mesuur you know no man can ever love you , as I do, I made a mistake , I slept with her a couple of times , I paid her off , she’s not my girlfriend, I don’t know how she found her way to the house .” He confessed.

“Am I not enough Andrew I left everyone for you I cried , I work to support you , Ibe given you three children why will you be cheating on me ? I said crying ,as my children watched the drama .

“Forgive me Mesuur I promise you , it will never repeat itself again , if I do report me to my GOC if you leave me , will I not die? He asked me when I saw the tears in his eyes , I knew he was sincere , we spent the remaining forty years of our marriage in harmony and love , I can’t say he didn’t cheat .” She chuckled. “But he never did it were I could see it , we had ten beautiful children , two of them died .” She become sober .

“Well I enjoyed my marriage to Andrew , I wish he had left Alcohol much earlier , the thing ate up his lungs and caused his death , few years after retirement . Life lost it sweetness after then , I’ve just been surviving . Where is Aaron why is he taking so much time ? ” Grandma complained .

“Mama , when he called me last yesterday night by twelve , he said he was at Makurdi , seems he entered Gboko very late .”Dooshima checked time on her phone it was a few minutes pass six .

“Please Dooshima you have stayed too long away from home , you shouldn’t be like my children , most of them abandoned me , how can a child stay five years in this Nigeria and not travel home to see their mother ?”She complained . “You see the time we don’t spend with loved ones we would regret it when they’re no ,call them , tell them you love them , life is just so short you may never have time to say bye.” Grandma said , and just then a thick baritone voice was heard greeting a nurse who was leaving the ward .

“Aaron my son come come come !” Mama Amos said in elation , she embraced her son with her frail body . “Tor come and embrace your grand mother . ” she called to her grandson , a boy in his late teens who was carrying a big afro , he embraced his grandmother.

“Tor I thought I won’t see you again o.” The old woman said . “See how tall you are now , almost taller than your father .” She smiled with passion , the Ajebota boy couldn’t say much , just then his mother joined them .

“Mama how are you doing?” Agnes asked with an impeccable English .

Mr Aaron called Dooshima aside “Thank you miss Dooshima , for taking care of my mother , she tells me how good you have been to her . How have you been going about the hospital bills ?” Mr Aaron asked Dooshima .

“Well sir I’ve paid all the outstanding bills , I don’t know what else they way request today the drugs are so expensive .”Dooshima said

“please tell me all you’ve spent , I’ll send it back to your account .” He said , when Dooshima had called him to inform him , she had taken his mother to the hospital , he demanded for her account number to send some money into , she told him to hold on .

“Sir your mother had been like a mother to me . I spent all I did not expecting to be paid back .” Dooshima said with a shy smile . the man thanked Dooshima and returned to speak with his mother , they talked for long , He decided to go and get provisions for her , his wife and son went with him .

“Dooshima thank you for all you did for me , I am tired I want to go.”Mama Amos said , Dooshima was a bit confused .

“Go where mama you’re getting better ?” Dooshima asked she just smiled .
“Well just remember , you’ll surely be fine , go back to your parents ,go back to law school , you came to Lessel to learn important lessons, now you’ve learnt enough, nothing is holding you back . I was wrong the right man will come…”

“Mama ? what man will come?” Dooshima said shaking mama Amos’s hand , her hand fell limply draping down her bed .

“Mama! Mama !” Dooshima cried her eyes were open , staring blankly at the ceiling , her mouth was open as of she had more things to say . “Mama! Mama! nurse! Nurse mama please come and check her .” Dooshima said weeping .

The doctors came and assembled round the bed , they covered her up , and her body was rolled away to the morgue , Dooshima stayed back in the ward crying her eyes out . Aaron and his family had to drive back to the hospital , when Dooshima called them crying.
To be continued…….
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