“I should have been nicer to you , the way your parents have treated my family , has left me in shame , I just want to beg you to please…” Ada was kneeling before Dooshima , she wouldn’t let her reach the ground , she held her up .

“I’ve forgiven you ma .” Dooshima said , in the presence of her mother and father .

“Dooshima I want to thank you very much .” Mr Agada said . “I searched so much for you , we couldn’t find you .” He said .”What about Ogwuche?” Dooshima asked .

“Hope he’s doing fine with his family?” Dooshima asked with a superficial smile on her face , she had tried to blurt out every memory of the man who had gotten so deep into her heart and betrayed her trust .It took Mr Agada a long time to reply Dooshima.

“You see my brother Ogwuche’s father is a hard man . His mother begged me to take him along with me to Gboko , his father wasn’t a good influence to his children .

Dooshima wondered the need for extra information. “You would’nt recognise him if you see him today , misfortunes had been his constant companion , his father ruined him when we left him at home.” Mr Agada said .

“How do you mean ruin him ?” Dooshima asked .

“At first I thought Ogwuche left you , his father charmed him , he used fetish powers against , because Ogwuche vehemently opposed his father’s choice of a wife from our place.

But you know him , he was never serious with the things of God , the charm worked on him , his father confessed some years back , the spell and some traditional spell has ruined him .” Dooshima began to fell a pang of guilt biting her chest , she had thought all this years that Ogwuche left her .

“He tried to run away from the village severally , but each time he tried to run out of the boundary of our local government , he instantly begin to have mental health crisis ,his whole body begins to itch him .” He said calmly .

L”He lost two of his sons , his life is a mess I pray that God will help him .” Mr Agada said , Dooshima sat quietly the rest of that evening , just wondering on how difficult Ogwuche’s life was, and how he was coping .

Dooshima was to resume law school at Abuja the next week , she was in The Christian Brethren Church in Gboko for a Thanksgiving Worship, the church was filled to the brim , Dooshima was invited to give a special song rendition, she had remembered God she has abandoned for many years .

The church went quiet when she sang with her old rusty voice ,it felt like an angel singing.
“We were all lost in the valley of sin
nothing could help our righteousness vain
it was all just guilt
but Jesus died to redeem us , and now we are
free no more bond we are free

For it was grace that bought my sin
that Jesus died and rescued me
for I was lost but now am found
for it was your grace , that freed me from sin…”

Dooshima sang , and the church was thrown into weeping . Her father preached that Sunday , he rarely preached in the churches , because of his busy schedules.

The members had not seen Dooshima for long , trooped to greet her , Dooshima made sure all mama Amos’s grandchildren were well taken care of , she told her parents of how nice the woman was to her , how she had been a mother to her .

Dooshima and Shiana joined her parents back to Abuja after they had spent one month at home . She resumed School at the law school Bwari , it felt as though she was dreaming .

She found time to learn how to drive , Shiana was put in one of the most expensive schools in Abuja . Weeks turned into months , Dooshima was making new friends . Though Mimidoo and her husband had moved to Abuja after Dooshima’s father got them good jobs in Abuja and a nice apartment .

Dooshima went to see them in Kubwa from time to time ,she would stop by to greet them , Mimidoo had given birth to two children .

Dooshima drove her Mercedes Benz into school , Terfa was already waiting for her , he was a son of a big Tiv politican , and also a law student , he had been troubling her for a relationship , Dooshima dreaded men after her awful experiences with men , she wanted to avoid them .

But Terfa was no tired of her rejection , he would always be there to help her carry her car , to help her park her car.

“Terfa I’ve told you one hundred times , that I don’t have heart to love , men have scattered my heart , see I am a drop one , go and search for the beautiful ladies on campus , I’ll just scatter your heart .” Dooshima told him with a serious face .

“Dooshima we can never say never , From the day that I set my eyes on you , I know you’re the one for , Dooshima I Love you .

Keep rejecting me , I’ll be on your neck until you say yes .” He promised , Dooshima shook her head . Terfa had gone with his father to visit Dooshima’s father , the young man was banking on his father to influence his love interest.

Pastor Gamadi didn’t want anyone to disturb his daughter’s education , she has missed so much in seven years , so he refused to talk to Dooshima when Terfa’s father spook to him .

To be continued…….


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