Written By Mayor


~8:15_ELSA’S DORM~

Raymond had his arm wrap around Elsa as they sit on the floor. They were watching a movie on Elsa’s system and Raymond had been quiet. Elsa could roughly guess why.

“Ray, is everything alright?” Elsa asked looking up at him.

“Yeah” he gave a short reply.

“You don’t look good since morning, are you sure?”


Elsa paused the movie then face him “Okay if you don’t wanna tell me about you today then I’ll wait”

“No, no, no I wanna tell you.. I.. I just don’t know where to start” He took a deep breath.

“Tell me about yourself first” Raymond said quickly and she laughed lightly.

“Really?” She shook her head.

“Maybe if you do then I’ll know where to start” He look elsewhere like a kid.

“Fine, My dad is gangster, a rich one” she starts.

“Wooo, Gangster I like that” He teased.

“He loves his family, he sometimes teach I and my sister some of his fghting Technics”

“I see, now I know the reason why you’re bold and stubborn” Raymond said and she shot him a glare.

“Don’t call me stubborn cute cat”

“Cute? Damn Elsa, you just earn yourself a pvnishment”

Raymond jumped from his spot, grabbed her and began to tickle her. Her laughter booms through the room.

“Tell me you’re going to stop calling me cute!” Raymond said tickling the lower side of her waist. Her laughter was beautiful and he never gets tired of hearing it.

“No! You’re cute” she said stubbornly and he continued.

“I guess you don’t want me to stop then” He chuckled.

“Stop!” She screamed.

“Say it babe”

“I love you” she screamed in between her laughter.

Raymond didn’t expect it so he stopped for a moment.

Elsa use the opportunity to get away from him but he caught her immediately and they both landed on the b ed laughing hard.

“You’re so stubborn, you know that” Raymond said after their laughter had died down.

“Yeah I know, and you’re..”

“Please don’t complete that sentence or might make you cvm without a rest”

“I’d love that” she said boldly shocking Raymond to the bones.

“Oh Fk, now I’m getting hard” he said naughtily.

“Now back to our discussion” she said and he pouted like a kid.

“My Dad changed. He changed when my mom died in a fire when I was twelve. She died with my little brother. I was there, and I was lucky.

Losing his only son and Wife, my dad seek for revenge. He klled his rivals, those mo.nsters that made us see h’ll”

Raymond observe her face. She was sad, he knows it but not a tear was on her face. Come to think of it, he had never seen her cry before.

“My dad hated me and my little sister since then. He said he wish I was the one who died instead of my brother Gabriel.

He said so many hurtful words that tear me apart. He began to do dirty jobs which I know that one day it’ll hunt him.

Piper got sick and I asked for money for her treatment but as usual he abvsed me and say hurtful words.

He was shot dead by someone unknown” She stop and observe the guy with a serious look.


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