Written By Mayor


Raymond sighed trying to calm himself.

“What are you doing here?” He asked.

“Jake called me here and since you’ve not been returned my text or call so I decided to have some fun” she said cutting the part that she came here mainly because of him.

“So you’re here for Jake and not for me?” He raised his brow.

“You didn’t invite me so why would I be here for you. if you would excuse me..

I gotta go have some fun with Jake” she said turning to leave but his callous hand dragged her back after two steps.

“I didn’t invite cus I know you don’t like them and what’s with Izzy?” He asked remembering the girl he found Elsa flghting with.

“She crossed the line and I gave her what she needed” she replied.

“What are you trying to do Elsa?”

“I’m going to have some fun” she shrugged.

Raymond gaze went down to her chest. Her cleavage was slightly exposed, it was a beautiful sight for him but knowing other guys would drool over it he frowned.

The red gown hug her body showing her curves.

“You can’t go in like that” he said.

“Huh? Why?”

“I don’t know, y…your.. uhm..” he think hard for an excuse. “Uhm, it’s cold”

“I don’t feel any cold. I’m fine” she shrugged.

“No you’re going in like this. come with me” Raymond said dragging her before she could protest.

“Where are you taking me?” She said trying to keep up with him. He was walking too fast. He led her to his car and opened the door.

“Get in” he said and she obeyed. Closing the door Raymond also got in and drove towards her dorm.


Inside The Frat House**

“Wait! No way Natasha, your mom is a cop, and you never told us?” Jake eyes widened.

“It wasn’t necessary since we fight a lot. She looks a lot like me” she replied.

“Cool, I’d love to meet her some day, where is she?”

“She’s in town but I haven’t talk to her yet, What about you, you’ve never talked about your parents before” Natasha asked and his smile disappeared.

“Ha, they’re fine” he lied hiding to he fact that his dad was dead and his mom sick.

Natasha gaze moved to his wet lips amd remembered how she kssed him. She had never thought she would actually do that but she didn’t regret it.

“I’ll be right back” Jake informed after a while.

“Alright” she forced a smile. Her gaze moved to Brielle who busy kssing a random guy. ‘Yuck’ she thought pulling out her phone.

“Sad Leonard isn’t here. He is missing the fun” Brielle said puffing out smoke from her lips and nose.

She was wearing a royal blue bra and extremely short skirt one could see her pa.ntie underneath.

She actually dressed this way because of Raymond.

“Stay away from Leonard, he is taken” Natasha glared.

“Taken. Leo and Ray don’t date”

“Yeah especially Ray, stay away from him. I might wound you” she warned.

“What, is it because Raymond broke your heart right in everyone last year?

You were like ‘I love you Ray, I love you so much” she mimick and giggle.

“How about you say that again” Natasha stood ready to sI.ap her hard.

“Natasha” someone called and she look up.

“Lake? What the k are you doing here?” She asked.

“You’ve not being picking my call or returning my texts. I’m so sorry for what happened, I swear I never meant to hurt you. Please give a second chance babe” Lake said.

“Do babe me Lake, you did what you wanted to do. It’s over between us okay? Go and meet that whore you wanted!”

“It wasn’t my fault yunno. Ever since your friends came into this college, you’ve not been giving me the attention I wanted”


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