Written By Mayor


Izzy spot Elsa walking in. “Wow hot” she compliment but Elsa rolled her eyes.

“You know you don’t have to be like this right? We are both fking Raymond so we should be fri..”

“Mind the way you talk bch, I can’t be gentle” Elsa snapped walking away from her.

“Yunno you’re dumb to believe Raymond’s word. His rod is for everyone motherfker!!” She yelled and that pissed her off.

Elsa went back and pulled her hair. She grabbed a drink from a waitress holding a tray of drink and h!t the glass on her head. Her head bIeed instantly.

The crowd around them began to watch with their eyes widened.

“Are you insane…”

A hard punch land on her face and she fell flat on the floor passing out.

Elsa let out a breath and closed her eyes. What have she done?

“Elsa?” She heard a deep voice behind her and she turned immediately.

Jake was standing behind her with his eyes widened.

Then a figure also appeared. A girl arm was around his waist. Shock was registered on his face when he saw her.

“Elsa” Raymond muttered removing the girl’s arm around his waist then stared at her.

Jake noticed this and try to move close but Elsa turned to leave immediately. So this was what he was doing while she was waiting for his call and text?

“Elsa!” Raymond rushed to follow her immediately.

“Elsa wait I can explain!” He said still following her. “C’mon can you just hear me out” he said holding her arm.

“What?” She finally stopped to face him.

“I swear I did nothing with her she was only holding me” He explained.

“If you think that was right then why did you push her away?” She asked.

His lips part and close without a word coming out.

“Why didn’t you call, I texted you but you never reply. You didn’t come for class..

“Elsa stop” Raymond cut in. “Are stalking me now?”

“No Ray.. I was just worried about you” Elsa said.

“Then stop getting worried about me I can take care of myself” he replied.

“Yunno what… I thought I could possibly try, I mean I did try. You’re not opening up for me Ray”

“Gosh Elsa that was just a hug”

“Just a hug?” She raised her brow and he shrugged having a stubborn look on his face.

Elsa saw a random guy passing by and grab him. Raymond frowned.

“Hey I think I know you from somewhere, can we hug?” Elsa grin at the guy. Seeing how beautiful she is, the guy couldn’t say no.

“Yea sure” he replied and hug her quickly.

But that was his mistake, a heavy punch from Raymond land on his face immediately and two of his teeth flew out.


“Oh My” Elsa covered her mouth using her palm with her eyes widened as she watch the guy rolling on the floor with bI..oody lips.

Her gaze moved to Raymond and back at the guy, she open and mouth and closed it without a word coming out.

Raymond suddenly dragged her by her arm leaving the poor guy on the floor. Getting to a corner Raymond stopped and face her.

“What was that?!” Elsa snapped immediately. She had never thought Raymond would hurt him.

“What the fk is wrong with you Elsa, Why would you do that?!” He asked almost yelling.

“Oh now this my fault? You started this first by allowing some girl hug you and now I did the same thing so why are you so disturbed.

I mean you pvnched him on the face Ray!”

“Do you really have to do that?” Raymond face squeezed in anger but Elsa wasn’t affected.

“It was just a hug Raymond, that was what you said” Elsa remind him.


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