Written By Mayor


Natasha eyes opened slowly. Her arm was around a hard chest. Looking up she saw Jake face and smiled.

Her thought drift to last night.

Lake successfully gave Jake a punch on one side of his face hurting him in the process but since Jake was still on top of him, he recieved many punch in return.

At the end, Lake passed out with his face unrecognizable.

Jake stood on his feet breathing hard. People in the frat house watch them.

He took a quick look at Natasha and left the place going up to an empty room.

Natasha followed immediately.

She entered the room and found him sitting with his head facing down. One side of his face was red due to the pvnch he recieved from Lake.

Hearing her footsteps Jake raised his head to look at her.

“Go away” he muttered looking away.

“I will, once I treat your wound” she said getting to grab the kits from the drawer.

Jake wince when Natasha applied a treatment and she sighed.

“Why do you have to do that?” Natasha asked the cold guy beside her.

“Why do you have to be so quiet. I mean he was busy saying trash about you and you did nothing” he said Clinching his jaw.

Natasha sighed. “What do you expect me to do? Even if I did something, all of these would still be my fault. I gave myself to him and…” She paused and sniffed.

“Hey” Jake eyes widened when she was about to a cry. He wrapped his arm around her. “I’m sorry” he muttered.

Natasha looked up to him, his face was so close to hers and she was a bit drunk. He was handsome know doubt.

He has this built body and his piercing made him look hot. Before she knew it, she lean down and kssed him.

Jake eyes widened for a moment, he was drunk too. His instinct was screaming at him to push her away but he couldn’t resist.

Instead, he held her waist and responded to the kss.

“Tasha” he muttered against her lips. He was getting hard on.

“I want you” she whispered kssing him deeply while holding his skirt.

“No you’re drunk” He pushed her waist gently.

“Either you fk me or you leave” she whispered pressing his groin with her finger.

Jake totally lost it and crash his lips on hers again. He lay her down, pulled his shirt and continue to kss her hard. Natasha hand went to his trouser and began to unbuckle it.

After a while, the were both nked. Jake was ramming her hard, he pinned her hands above her using one hand. His other hand was busy holding her left bb while he suck hard on it.

Natasha loud rented the whole room.

Flashback ends**

Jake groaned lightly and slowly opened his eyes to look at her.

“Morning” he said kissing one side of her lips.

“Morning, how was last night?” She smiled.

“It was the best, trust me” he smiled caressing her face. “I Love you Tasha, it’s been long I’ve wanted you but I never showed it.

I swear not to hurt you, I’ll make you happy every single day.

I know you’ve heard this kind of promise before but I really mean it Tasha”

Without a word, Natasha kssed his lips but her phone made her break it immediately.

Seeing the ID caller, she frowned.

“Who’s it?” Jake asked behind her.

“My mom” she answered, then hesitantly picked it.

She was expecting a scolding from her but instead she heard the sound of sobs.

“Mom?” She stood up immediately. Jake also stood and frowned.

“T..asha” her voice was weak as if she was in pain.

“Mom where are you?” She asked immediately as her eyes teared up.

“You..know I love you right? I.. I’ll always do baby.. you’re my first priority..”

“Mom, what are you saying, tell me where you at. I’ll come meet you there right now” Natasha panicked.

“It.. is too late.. I might be h..ard on you but.. I just wanna.. let you.. know I love.. you okay..”

Natasha heard a man chuckle and her eyes widened.

“Good bye Tasha” she said her last words and the next thing Natasha heard was someone smashing something.

Her phone dropped on the floor and her whole body went numb.




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