Written By Mayor



Elsa checked herself one more time on the large mirror. She was wearing a silver short gown that tightly hug her body. Lucas bought it for her.

Her brown curly hair falls on each side of her shoulder. She made sure to cover the scar on her left leg using the make up.

Charlie opened the door and peeked. “C’mon Elsa, Lucas is waiting. I can’t wait to hear you sing” She squealed by the door.

“I’m done.. I’ll be out in a minute” Elsa replied putting on her red lipstick while Charlie left to meet Lucas.

Elsa grabbed her silver bag and head out.

“Elsa” A deep voice called and she stopped. She looked back and found Raymond staring at her.

She noticed how his eyes take in her dress and his Adam apple moved up and down.

“You look hot” He compliment.

“Yes, what do you want?” Elsa asked.

“I’ve been texting and calling you but you never replied. Have you been avoiding me? Is because of what I said yesterday?” He asked.

“Oh.. you’re the strange number texting and calling. I never know it was you” she said with her eyes a bit cold.

“Elsa.. I..” He tried to talk but stop.

“You what Ray. Say it” she demanded but the guy ruffled his hair. His gaze went behind her and his face dropped.

Elsa looked back tracing his gaze and found Lucas looking handsome on his silver suit.

Raymond face turned cold dramatically. Sliver gown, silver suit, they look like a darn couple.

What the fk. He noticed how Elsa have him a smiled before looking back at him.

‘trust me I won’t hesitate to make my move on her once you let go of your chance’ Raymond remembered the words Lucas said to him at the hospital. He is making a move?

“Uhm Ray. I have to go now” Elsa informed turning to leave but the next thing Raymond did shock her.

He grabbed her by her arm, pulled her to himself the crashed his lips on her.. kssing her hard right in front of Professor Lucas.


Elsa eyes widened with shock and she gasped. He immediately use the opportunity to side his warm tongue into her mouth swirling it.

It happened so fast, it took a while for her to realise what just happened.

Raymond pulse quicken just at the taste of her lips again. He knows he is crazy but he wanted her to know the effect she had on him.

His heart was beating fast as he kept on nibbling her soft lips gently.

She pvshed him immediately and shot him a hard glad that made him swallow. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Elsa.. I..”

“Don’t ever talk me Raymond!” She snapped.

Raymond watched her leave to meet Lucas. He wish to stop her by saying something but he couldn’t. What the h’ll is wrong with him?

“Let’s go” Elsa said to Lucas before heading towards the car.

Lucas made to leave but stop to look at Raymond. His lips curve up and Raymond could swear he look different.

“That’s ¢reepy.. Did he just smirk at me?” Raymond muttered watching him leave.

His eyes dart around and he bought out his phone to call Mrs Brown.

“You called me today Raymond. My phone almost fell because of the shock” Mrs Brown teased immediately she picked the call.

“Are you free? I need to see you” He said quickly.

“Yeah sure. Is there a problem? Did you cause any trouble?” She asked.

“Urgh! No I didn’t. I think something is wrong with me. I’ll be in your place in ten minutes”


Mason just got out of the restroom when his phone buzz. It was a message from Piper.

*Meet me at the rooftop*

Without thinking twice he kept his phone and head there.

“Piper” he called seeing the place was empty. Where is she? “Piper!” He called again but got noreply.

“Ha, look who’s here” A familiar voice sounded behind him and he turned to look at the person.

“Newton” Mason frowned. Two other guys were behind him and they all have a dangerous look on their face.

Having a rough idea on what is going on, a chill run down his spine.

“What is this about?” He asked.

“What do you think you’re doing with my girl?” Newton asked with his hand in his pocket.

“Your girl?”

“Stop playing dumb. You know Piper is my girl and yet you’re htting on her. Do you have a de.ath wish?” He asked raising his brow.

“Piper is not your girl. I never heard of you dating her so stop this crap” Mason’s face turn cold.

“As you wish Mason. I’m gonna destroy that pretty face of yours” Newton waved his hand, the two guys behind him came forward massaging their knuckles.

“What do you think you’re doing Newton? This isn’t right.

You should stop this madness” Mason said shifting backwards as fear was the only thing he could feel.

They grabbed him on both side and made him kneel before Newton.

He smirked looking at the scared look on his face and slowly bought out a sharp pointy knlfe.

“W..what are you doing?” Mason’s eyes widened.

“I’m gonna destroy your face, like I said” he replied.

“No!!!.. help!!! Some body help!!..” Mason screamed but a pvnch land on his face shutting him up.

“Hold his head up” Newton ordered. Mason felt a strong hand pull his hair backwards and watch Newton bring the knlfe towards his face.

“Please stop!”

Newton began to cvt his cheek earning a loud scream from him.

His head got smashed by a large stlck from nowhere, the knlfe dropped from his hand while bI.ood dripped down from his head instantly.


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