Written By Mayor


Raymond got to a quiet corner and Elsa jerk her arm away from him immediately. He let of a deep breath before looking at her.

“What she said, is it true?” She asked.

“Why do you care? She is just saying shits back there” He replied with a shrug.

“Answer, is it true? You’ve slept with girls and even Natasha before. You don’t believe in love? You don’t date?” She asked curious on what his reply would be.

“Don’t let her word get to your heart.. Dahlia is just a bch alright? She is trying to get into your head..

“What are we?” Elsa cut in. The question caught him off guard so he went silence for a while. “What are we Raymond?” She repeated.

“I.. I don’t know” his reply made her sighed. “If you’re thinking of a date then you should stop cus I don’t do that sht, there’s no need for a label yunno” He rolled his eyes then look the other side.

“Then why did you kss me? Why did you say all those words? Are you planning to make your way with me and then let go?” Elsa raised her brow.

“No, I would never do that to you Elsa. I swear I feel different around you.

I have no bad intention I promise.. but I don’t date. It’s ain’t my thing” He said.

“Right.. you once said I’m not your type” she took a deep breath and nod. “This is totally my fault” she said then began walk away.

Raymond held her arm immediately. “Your fault that what? I didn’t say anything to upset you. Why the attitude?” He furrowed his brow.

“You don’t Know what you want Ray. You’re just confused, I’m not like other girls you’ve slept with” Elsa said jerking her arm away from him before leaving the place.

“Sht.. I’m gonna kll Dahlia” he muttered.

In the music room, Lucas sat on a chair while tapping his finger on the table before him.

His mind drift to how Raymond and Elsa was smiling to each other. He might not have shown it but he was affected. Did she choose him?

The answer scares him. He had never fall for a girl before and now the girl he fell for is not giving him the attention he want.

“Should I just confess my feeling to her” He asked himself in a whisper. “What if I get reject?

I might lose myself totally and that won’t be good”

The door opened and he spranged up seeing Elsa coming in.

“Hey.. I thought you wouldn’t come” Lucas said smiling showing his one side dimple.

“Yeah, I change my mind. Tomorrow is the audition. I need to practice” she replied dropping her bag.

Lucas felt joy overwhelmed his system at he watch her preparing the instrument.

Round face, cute small nose, pink tiny lips, brown eyes and a smile that could capture your soul.

He found himself staring at her intensively with a smile on his face.

Elsa turned to him and noticed his intense stare. “Professor Lucas” she called snapping him out of his trance.

“Ha, it must be my hair. I didn’t brush it this morning because I was rushing to attend your class” Elsa said adjusting her hair before going towards the piano.

She cleared her throat and gave Lucas a cute smile before starting her practice.

Her melodious voice fills the whole room. Lucas fell into a trance again and sighed.

“Right I should just make you mine” he muttered staring at the lady whose eyes were closed.


Leonard saw Charlie walking in the hallway. She sighed spotting him and decided to walk pass him.

“Charlie” He called trying to hold her.

“Don’t” she shot a glare at him and he stop.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you” he said and she scoffed.

“Hmp.. I forgive you but don’t ever call, message or talk to me again” she said.

“C’mon, Charlie.. I realized I shouldn’t have done that. I swear I feel different with you.

Please don’t ignore me. I swear it won’t happen again..”

“I’m done with you Leo. Go and meet the girls you sleep with” she said coldly.

She made to move but he held her hand. A sI.ap land on his cheek immediately.

Student on the hallway gasped at this, Izzy also saw this.

“Don’t ever touch me playboy” Charlie walking out.


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