Months later, Lucy finally gave birth. It was a cute baby girl. We named her Dorah. We were all happy and everything went just fine with my family.

About two months on, Sandra’s memories were almost getting erased from the back of our minds when I got phone call from an unknown number on a Wednesday morning. I picked the call…


Hello, good morning sir! Am I talking to Mr Tony?

Yes please! Who am I talking to?

Am Christina, Sandra’s caretaker at the metal health facility.

Miss Christina, how may I help you?

Sandra is having a difficulty giving birth and the doctors said she might go in for an operation in the next few minutes.

So why are you telling me all these?

You’re responsible for Sandra’s pregnancy, so your signature is needed before she’ll undergo the surgery.

You know I can’t do that, right!

Mr Tony, please don’t talk like that! You’re the only person that can do it, please! Let’s save the innocent life… Please!

Am sorry! I can’t do it. [Hangs call]

“Honey, who was on the call?” Lucy asked me

“Sandra’s caretaker at the facility.” I replied

“And.. what does she want?” Lucy asked curiously

“Sandra is in labour but the baby isn’t coming out, she’s going to be operated. And my signature is needed before that happens..!” I revealed to Lucy

“Then go immediately..” Lucy replied quickly

“H’ll! No! I will go no where!” I shouted

“You must go, in fact I’m even coming with you!” Lucy said.

“Seriously Lucy!! After all the things Sandra did to us!” I shouted

“Forget about Sandra now, let’s set our eyes on the baby. That baby is your own, so stop talking like you’re doing someone a favour.” Lucy replied

Lucy handed baby Dorah to her babysitter and rushed to grab the car keys.

“Tony just move to the car please! The last time you acted carelessly, we lost an innocent baby.

This time round I won’t let that happen, not when I’m watching!” Lucy said

She was looking so emotional when she uttered that. I didn’t want to hurt her so I went with her to the car. Lucy drove the car herself to the hospital.

As soon as we entered the hospital building, a lady walked to us smiling.

“You must be Tony!” The lady said immediately

“Oh yeah, how about you?” I replied

“Am Christina, Sandra’s caretaker! Am the the lady that phoned you earlier.” Christina said

“So how is Sandra now?” Lucy asked

“Oh she’s perfectly well. As the doctors went on trying, Sandra gave birth successfully and that way she survived the operation.” Christina revealed

“Boy or Girl?” Lucy rushed to ask.

“Boy!” Christina replied

Lucy’s face brightened up at the mention of boy..

“WOW!” Lucy replied gladly

“Now that Sandra has given birth successfully, no more signature is needed now. I think we should just go back home.” I uttered

“Seriously Tony!” Lucy shouted and grabbed me by my shirt quickly.
“Tony you are the father of this baby yet you want to leave without even seeing what the baby looks like! Don’t freak me right now!” She added

I wondered whether Lucy was just good hearted or she just forgot whatever Sandra did to us in the past.

“Look, Tony just come and see the baby please. I will show the both of you to the room where Sandra is..” Christina said

Lucy dragged me along…

When we got to the room, Sandra was seated on the bed holding her baby.
The policewoman that was with her walked out with Christina to give us space.

Sandra was smiling at us. I knew she was only pretending.

“Can I hold the baby?” Lucy asked Sandra

“Of course!” Sandra said immediately

Lucy took hold of the baby and sat next to Sandra while I sat on the bedside seat vacated by the policewoman.

“The baby looks just like Tony!” Lucy said

“Exactly!” Sandra replied

“Will you two stop making fun of me please!” I uttered

We spent some time with Sandra and according to her, she was going to be handled over to the police the following day for her eighteen months imprisonment.

Before we left the hospital to return home, Sandra called us back…..

“May I talk to Lucy before you go, please!” Sandra requested

“No Sandra! I’m afraid you can’t. I don’t trust you any bit…” I declined quickly

“I know! Just 15 minutes Tony, there’s policewoman just outside the room so nothing will happen to Lucy. I promise!” Sandra pleaded

“Honey, please let’s give her a chance!” Lucy said

“Tony, go with the baby.” Sandra said

“Sandra I’m starting to have a bad feeling about this…” I doubted

“Tony please!” Sandra uttered

Lucy handed the baby to me and I Left them to talk…

I went straight to the reception to talk to the policewoman so she could go close to the room in case of anything…

As I was still talking to the policewoman, we heard a loud sound. It was probably a sound from the gun. The sound was followed by an alarm.

I quickly gave the baby to a nurse at the reception and raced back to the room where Lucy and Sandra were. The policewoman got there before me.

When I entered the room, the first thing I saw was a plstol lying on the floor.

Next was Sandra lying lifeless on the bed covered in bI.ood…

Lucy was squatting in the corner and crying…

“What happened here?” The policewoman asked Lucy

“Lucy what happened! Are you okay?” I asked Lucy while I lifted her out of the corner

Lucy didn’t say anything until we got her out of the room..

“Madam please talk to us! What exactly happened?” The policewoman went on pleading with Lucy.

“Sandra shot herself..” Lucy revealed

“What!!” I shouted

“How did she get a gun! Did anyone else enter the room after your husband left?” The police asked

“No one entered the room. It was just me and her. Sandra had two envelopes under her pillow. She gave one of them to me and she was trying to open the other.

I was busy trying to open the envelope she gave me too that I didn’t even notice how Sandra aimed a pistol at herself.

It was the sound from the gun that drew my attention to her and all I could see was a dead Sandra…” Lucy tried to explain

“You know what, just open up that envelope! Let’s see what it holds.” I said to Lucy

Lucy broke the seal and the envelope contained a letter.

It read….

Tony, Lucy
Am sorry.
I’m so disappointed at myself…
I know you hate me. I will take it because I caused so much pain to the both of you, especially Lucy.

Just forgive my helpless soul. I’ve been through h’ll since I was a little girl. As it that wasn’t enough, Ben came to my life. He led me through another episode of h’ll. He made me feel like all men are worse than satan..


Tony was a complete opposite of Ben and that’s why I did everything humanly possible to have him not caring if I was hurting someone.
But that’s how I grew up, fighting for whatever I wanted because I didn’t have any one to fight for me let alone teaching me right and wrong.

Thank you Lucy! You’ve always been on the right side no matter how much I hurt you, you didn’t fight back.
I know my son is safe under your care.
Teach him to have a heart just like yours.
Don’t punish him for my mistakes because I’ve already punished myself.

And yes! I klled myself. I can’t go to jail.I had a pistol under my pillow. There’s a camera recorder on the table behind the bed. It shows how I shot myself.
I hope I find happiness wherever I’m going.
If you forgive me, then give me a befitting burial.
I love you Tony
I love you Lucy

We were all in tears after reading Sandra’s letter and that’s how Sandra walked out of our lives.

We gave her a befitting burial.

We named her son Nivan and Lucy took up the motherly duties to him.

Sandra’s ex husband married Nadia who was pregnant for him and they both have a daughter together..





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