Episode 17

About a week later, my family and I were seated in the living room after breakfast. It was a Saturday.
We were watching a movie.

Soon, we heard knocks at the door…

“Let me get it.” Norah said and dashed to get the door.

It was inspector Jane. She was followed by a gentle man in a suit, a new face and I had never seen him anywhere till then.

“Oh you’re welcome to my house! Have a seat please! Inspector nice to see you again..” I said as soon as the two walked into my house.

“You’re welcome madam, sir!” Lucy added

“Oh thank you..!” The gentleman and inspector Jane replied at once.

“Ahmm! What can we offer you please!” Lucy asked the guests immediately.

“Don’t worry about that dear, we’re not staying long anyway.” Inspector replied.

“So… To what do I owe this visit?” I asked curiously.

The gentleman in suit pulled out his ID, raised it to my face and then he said,
“My name is Andrew, a CID from the ministry.”

“He is also part of the team I told you would be coming to handle cases involving the team of armed criminals who have been responsible for several dirty crimes in this city.

That same gang worked with Madam Sandra to have your wife kidnapped.” Inspector Jane interrupted

“Brother Tony! We won’t question whatever you did to get your wife back because the police failed you, in fact I’m glad that your wife got back to you safe and sound.

As we speak now my team and I have taken control over everything, we have managed to arrest every member of the gang.” The gentleman revealed.

“Even the politician who has been funding the gang is now in our custody too!” Inspector Jane added

“Woohoo! This is good news to my ears! So how about Sandra?” I replied

“Sandra! We can’t arrest Sandra right now, not until we get a report from her doctor.” The gentleman said

“What!!! Doctor!!” I shouted in shock and possibly wondering what had happened to Sandra…

“Sir Andrew, did something bad happen to Sandra?” Lucy asked immediately

“Well Sandra’s sanity is questionable, We had her held in a mental health facility. Once she’s better, we’ll make sure she faces the law.” The gentleman explained

“So bad for her!” Lucy replied

I didn’t say anything about that and I wasn’t surprised to know that Sandra went mad, she had done so many ho.rrible things that already made her look insane.

“Mr Tony! When Inspector Jane explained to me everything that happened to your family, I tried all my best to meet you and your family earlier but I was tied up with work.

Thank God that I finally got to see you all and the best part is that your wife is here and doing well.” The gentleman said to me.

“I really appreciate this, sir! Thank you for caring about our well being!” I said to him

“Don’t mention! It’s our responsibility to make sure you all are doing well and happy.

Don’t be afraid, Sandra will be closely monitored the police while she’s at facility and once she’s well she will be handled over to the police.” The gentleman consoled us.

“Thanks again!” I said

The gentleman and inspector Jane just smiled…

“Anyway! We have to get going, there’s so much to do at the office. Have a nice day Mr and Mrs Tony!” The gentleman said gladly

” Thanks! Safe journey!” Lucy said

“In case of anything, Mr Tony just hit our office line. Okay!” Inspector Jane said

“Alright inspector!” I replied.

Inspector Jane and Mr Andrew, the CID left my house….


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