Episode 15

Many of my friends including my sister in Mombasa suggested that I stick with the police after I told them what happened.

I phoned inspector Jane, she came to my house and asked my gatekeeper and daughter a few questions.

The investigations started….

I shared with the police every new contact that called me. In just two days, inspector Jane and her team located Sandra.

Unfortunately in an attempt to arrest Sandra and her men, two of the police officers were shot dead by Sandra’s men.


After that everything came to standstill. None of the police officers considered my case even when I offered them money to make their work easier by every passing day.

Two weeks down the road, still no news concerning my wife’s way about.

I was running out of patience. I confronted inspector Jane in her office one morning.

I barged into her office without knocking…

“Ahhh! Good morning, Mr Tony! Is everything okay?” Inspector Jane quickly and stood up quickly.

“Seriously! Are you asking me that?” I shouted

Inspector Jane sighed deeply and looked down…

“I’m sorry! Have a seat.” Inspector Jane said

I sat down and kept mute. I waited for her to start speaking…

“Mr Tony, first of all I would like to apologize for giving you false hopes.” Inspector Jane started speaking

“What is that supposed to mean?” I asked quickly

” Actually I should have told you these a long time ago: after the incident that cost the lives of two of our officers, my boss, the DPC warned me to stay away from that case.” Inspector Jane revealed

“Wait! What!! Do you even know how you sound right now? So you all will just fold your arms and watch my family get ruined!” I shouted in anger

“Look Mr Tony! The DPC realized that the group involved with your wife’s kidnap is that same one that robbed and murdered Mr Sharmah, the Indian businessman last month. Probably Miss Sandra is working with them.” Inspector Jane revealed

“After Mr Sharmah’s mvrder, my boss wrote to the Ministry and we were told a special team were coming to handle the case.

Right now, we’re not allowed to handle any case concerning that group.

Rumor has it that the group belongs to one of the powerful politicians in this country so we can barely do anything to them.” Inspector Jane added

“So what do I do now? In fact what happened to the money I’ve been giving you for the last two weeks to fund the search!?” I asked

“Actually I kept every single note of your money in my drawer here, I just didn’t know how to explain all these to you. I didn’t want you to feel disappointed.” Inspector Jane said

She opened her drawer and handed my money back to me…

“Of course I’m disappointed! In fact I’m disappointed at the whole police force.” I shouted

“Am sorry Mr Tony. I really wish I could help you but my hands are tied up.” Inspector Jane stated frankly

“I trusted the police with this case for two good weeks. Just look at what I get in return.

For two weeks! I don’t even know how my wife is doing! A pregnant wife for that matter!” I said in disappointment

I was so angry! I could not stand the pain of watching the police do nothing to help out.

I was impatient. I was desperate to get Lucy out.

I just walked away from the inspector’s presence and thought of giving in to Sandra’s demand.

At least that gave me hopes of saving Lucy’s life and that of my unborn baby.

On my way home, I passed by a filling station. I went on to get myself a bottle of drinking water.

Fortunately, I bumped into Ben, the husband to Sandra. He seemed so excited that he rushed to me and hugged me.

“You look really happy, buddy.” I said to him

“Of course am happy, Tony guess what!” Ben said excitedly

“Just open up because am not good at guessing!” I said

“Are you you okay though? You don’t look alright, Tony!” Ben inquired

“Am okay. Just tell me why you are so excited this morning..” I replied

“Well, I was about to drive to your place but thank God I got you here.

I will be going to Nadia’s place on Wednesday with my father and uncle to ask for her hand in marriage. So I want you to come with us.” Ben revealed

“Nadia!!! Ben, how about Sandra?” I asked immediately

“Sandra was frank and clear that she doesn’t want anything to do with me. My parents are so eager to see me settled.

At least I owe my father that happiness before his illness takes his life.

Besides Nadia is pregnant for me now. I want to marry before her parents notice the pregnancy…” Ben said

He just ruled Sandra out of his life.

“Actually I won’t be able to follow you to Nadia’s place because I’ll be having a very important meeting!” I said to Ben

“What a disappointment!” Ben replied

“Come on bro! You’re just going to ask for her hand in marriage, I will come with you when next you’re going to pay her dowry and all those stuffs.” I consoled Ben

“I just hope you won’t bring up excuses when that time comes.” Ben said

“Of course I won’t!” I stated frankly and faked a smile.

I thought of telling Ben about Sandra’s dirty game but I didn’t want to ruin his excitement with my sad story.

I hurried to leave before Ben could notice any sad expressions on my face.

I had to rush home to Norah and possibly make her something to eat…


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