Episode 12

“My baby… My baby… My baby…” Sandra cried

Waves of fear started to run through my whole body. I hurried to move Sandra to my car and rushed her to the hospital.

While at the hospital, I called Sandra’s husband, Ben and told him Sandra was involved in an accident at the mall.

Ben didn’t ask me many questions as I expected when he got to the hospital.

He looked so confused that he could not sit down. He walked around the place and rubbing his hands like he was feeling cold.

“Hey bro, take it easy on yourself! Come and sit down, everything is gonna be okay.” I said to Ben

Ben hurried and sat down next to me….

“You said Sandra was heavily bleeding when you brought her to this place, right! I think she’s going to lose the pregnancy.” Ben said

“Come on! Don’t speak like that, the doctors are doing their best. Okay!” I replied

Still seated there, one of the doctors walked to us…

“Who’s Mr Tony?” The doctor asked

“Am the one, sir!” I replied

“You’re Madam Sandra’s husband, right!” The doctor asked

“No! Her husband is this man, right here.” I said pointing at Ben

“But she told us that she’s Mr Tony’s wife!” The doctor revealed

“Oh! She probably said that because I was the one that rushed her to this place. So she’s not aware her husband is here now.” I explained to clear the confusion.

“Okay! So Mr…..” The doctor uttered waiting for Ben to mention his name.

“Ben” Ben said

“Mr Ben, come with me to my office please!” The doctor said

“Come too Tony!” Ben said and gestured to me

We both followed the doctor to his office….

“There’s a very tiny chance to save the pregnancy. However my team and I will do our best to ensure that everything goes well.

And talking about payment here, there’s a policy in this hospital that only allows us to work on patients after making a fifty percent payment of the required amount.” The doctor explained

“It’s okay, doctor. We can even make a hundred percent payment right now, just do your best!” I replied

“Yes… Yes… Sir!” Ben added nodding his head
“In fact let me rush off to bank to get some money immediately.” Ben said

“No Ben! I’ve got some money with me here.” I said as I handed off the money we had left from the mall.

“Thanks Tony!” Ben appreciated

“Don’t mention buddy!” I said to Ben

Ben and I returned to reception and waited patiently for a report from the doctors. We sat at the reception for ages but none of them came out.

It was starting to get dark when Ben told me to return home and he would be there to monitor Sandra.

“Please call me in case of anything, okay! And yes, Sandra’s car is still at the mall.” I said to Ben

“Alright bro, I will have someone pick it tomorrow morning. Have a good night!” Ben replied

“Likewise! Bye!” I said and left.

When I got to my house, my wife and daughter were still seated in the living room waiting for me to return home.

As soon as my daughter Norah saw me, she raced off to her room. Something felt fishy.

“Why is Norah running away after seeing me!” I inquired from Lucy

Lucy didn’t answer the question I asked her, instead she fired me with her own questions.

“Where have you been, Tony! Did you even bother to check your watch at all? You didn’t pick any of my calls too!” Lucy shouted angrily

“It wasn’t intentional, okay! An accident happened!” I said

“Accident? Are you okay?” Lucy asked and rushed to touch me to see if I was hurt.

“Am okay!” I replied

“Wait a minute! Did you hit someone with your car?” Lucy tried to guess

“Hell no! A pregnant lady slipped and fell down staircases in front of me, I had to rush her to the hospital and waited till her family got there.” I said combining lies and truth

“You did the right thing! How was she when you left?” Lucy said

“No reports yet! But I told her husband to call me in case the doctors reveal anything.” I replied

“I pray all goes well for her!” Lucy uttered

I sighed deeply and took a seat. Lucy served food for me, I ate fast and rushed upstairs to freshen up.

When I got out of the shower, Lucy was sitting on the bed covering herself half way with the blanket.

“I put a glass of juice over there for you.” Lucy said pointing to the glass of juice on the bedside table.

I took up the glass and had a sip of the juice.

“Hmmm! Nice one.” I said after the sip

“I know!” Lucy replied

She picked up my phone, I had dropped it on the bed while I was going to shower.

Lucy scrolled through my phone for a few minutes and put it aside.

I stood there miserably holding the glass of juice and looking like a bodyguard. I wondered what Lucy was looking for in my phone.

“You spoke of a pregnant woman falling, was it Sandra?” Lucy asked

I choked a little…..

“Are you okay?” Lucy asked as she attempted to get off the bed

“Hhhh! Yes… Yeah… Of course am okay! Why do you think it was that fell!” I asked curiously

“Because Norah told me that she was there, at the mall.” Lucy replied

“Did she say anything else!” I inquired

“Yeah!” Lucy replied

“Huh!” I reacted

“What?” I asked, my started heart was pounding so fast and I was sweating heavily.

“The truth about Sandra’s pregnancy!” Lucy said looking all drained and demoralized

I lost grip on the glass, it fell off hand and got broken into pieces.

“No… Nor… Norah told you that!” I stammered

“Yes he did! She made me promise that I would that I would not let it bring trouble between me and you.” Lucy expressed

“Am sorry!” I said looking so helpless

“Look Tony! I know I pushed you to this but there are so many ladies out there, you could have chosen to sleep with anyone else but not Sandra! Sandra who’s supposed to be like a sister to me!” Lucy said

“Everything happened so fast! It happened after Ben and Sandra had a misunderstanding and we were both drunk when it happened!” I tried to explain

“Tony it hurts!” Lucy uttered and I hugged her immediately

“I know and I regret it everyday!” I expressed

“Is Ben aware of these?” Lucy asked

“No!” I replied
“And Sandra is that lady involved in the accident! I confronted her after she got Norah involved into the mess.

She… She slipped and fell when I threatened to hit her…” I revealed

“What! Tony, you did what…!” Lucy shouted

“Sandra was using the pregnancy against me already!” I revealed

“This is too much for me to handle, Tony! Now promise you won’t let anything happen to that baby!” Lucy shouted

“Why do you even care?” I shouted back

“Tony it’s your baby, your blood that we’re talking about here!” Lucy said

As we were there shouting at each other, my phone rings…
It was Ben, I picked up….

Me: Hello bro

Ben: Tony, the worst has happened! The baby is gone and the pregnancy is going to be flashed.

Me: Oh my goodness [ phone falls off my hand ]

“Tony! What happened!” Lucy inquired

“The baby…. Is .. Gone!” I said

Lucy screamed scornfully and she cried like the baby was her own….


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