I stood in the rain as I watched Mason drive off.

“No no he can’t just break up with me, he belongs to me. Me only” I screamed.

I sat on the floor in the rain as I started to cry .

Next month is our engagement party and next two months is our wedding.

All I ever did was love him. He can’t just leave me after having waited and gone so far to just be with him.

“Mason belongs to me, me and me, he’s mine forever whether he loves or doesn’t love me. I won’t accept the fact that he broke up with me”.

I cried as I buried my head in my knee.

The rain poured heavily but I didn’t mind. The pain I felt in my chest was too painful to feel the rain hitting my skin.

This is the first time I’ve ever been dumped.

I have never even dated any guy before, only Mason because I’ve loved him even before we started dating.

I cried but when I didn’t feel the rain hitting my skin I raised my head and saw Tyler holding an umbrella.

“You can’t keep sitting here crying, you’ll get a cold”.

“Do I look like I care?”

But he grabbed my hand pulling me up as my head landed on his chest.

That was it I broke down again.

I felt one of his hands wrapped around my waist.

“It’s okay Arianna”

“I can’t believe I got dumped Tyler, I love Mason”.

“Then you’ll have to get him back”.

I looked at Tyler.

“You can’t give up your love for him okay but first you need to take care of yourself. You come first okay”.

I nodded my head before resting my head back on his chest. For the first time I felt comfort in someone’s arms.

“You okay”

I just nodded my head as I pulled away from the hug.

I was about to call my driver when I saw my car driving in.

I guess Mason must have called him.

I picked my wet bag and went to the car.

Tyler opened the door for me “don’t forget, you come first. Take care of yourself, okay”.

I just nodded.

I entered the car as the AC welcomed me.

“Off the AC” I said to my driver and he did.

Another 4 hours on the road. I stared outside the window as tears rolled down my eyes.

My heart aches so much with pain.

Is this how break up hurts so much?

Was lost in my thoughts when my driver decided to ruin my mood.

He started playing a Nigerian song that have heard so many times before.

🎶 Last last e don cast
Na everybody go chop breakfast

“Turn the fking radio off” I screamed.

“Sorry ma” he said before turning it off.

“How dare you, immediately you drop me home you’re fired” I yelled.


“Not another word from you “.

I rested my head on the window as I closed my eyes.

I cried silently.

I brought out my phone, going to my photos and seeing pictures of me and Mason.

It was just now I realized that his smile didn’t reach his eyes

I was the only one happy in all the photos.

I threw my phone away, I laid down on the chair as I closed my eyes.

“Danta” I called

“Yes ma”

“If I sleep off, tell my assistant to cancel all my schedule. I’m taking a break from sh**ting “.

“Ok ma”.

Then I let the darkness consume me.


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