Mason Freeman

I was beyond shocked when Arianna raised her hand to sIap me not just once but twice.

“How dare you cheat on me with this shameless” she said.

That was it I couldn’t stand Arianna calling Avery a

“Look here Arianna don’t call her that” I said and it was visible that my anger was showing.

I looked at Avery and I could see her hurt. I walked up to her and kssed her forehead.

“I’ll call you later okay”.

As much as I hated things ending like this right now , I needed her out of here before Arianna did something stvpid.

She nodded her head and turned to leave but it was like Arianna was not buying that.

She dragged Avery’s hair as she landed a sIap on her.

A rage of anger washed over me.

I could hear Avery scream as she tried to get away from Arianna.

As she raised her hand to slap her again I grabbed Arianna pushing her aside making her lose her balance and she ended up falling.

I rushed to Avery to check if she was okay and she nodded her head.

“I’ll leave you two alone,” she said and turned around.

But I went after her and pulled her into a hug before whispering “I love you”.

But she just nodded before going.

I turned back to look at Arianna who was glaring at me hatefully.

I stood up and rushed to me attempting to slap me again but I held her hand.

“Let’s get things straight Arianna”.

I pushed her hand away as she stood there.

“I get you are angry for kssing another girl and it’s cheating so yes I deserve the slap”.

“But if you ever touch Avery that way or lay a single finger on her I swear I think I’ll go mad for the first time”.

“Mason how can you be talking to me like this, I’m your girlfriend” she said angrily

“Not anymore, let’s break up”.

And then silence fell between us as I look at Arianna who was shocked on hearing what I said


“You had me, let’s break up”.

“Are you crazy mason? Our wedding is In two months and you’re breaking up with me. Have you forgotten the deal our parents made.”

“Don’t tell me it’s because of that street rat mason ” she yelled.

I swear I lost it when she called Avery a street rat. I’m done with this.

“Just shut up , shut up Arianna . I can’t believe I put up with you for two years”.

“We both know this relationship is one sided love. I don’t love you Arianna, I never did”.

“And yes it’s because of Avery, I don’t know when it started but I love her I fking do. I’ve never felt like this even when I’m with you”.

“I’m tired of you being a spoilt brat and for once can you act mature” I screamed that last part.

“I don’t love you Arianna, I never will. The only reason I decided to date you was because of my parents. But now that I’ve found the love of my life, nothing is letting me go to her”.

I looked at Arianna as tears were flowing from her eyes.

“Mason please, don’t do this to me. I love you so much. We can work things out please don’t end it”.

“I don’t love you Arianna “.

“I don’t care if you do or not don’t leave me please Mason don’t do this to me “.

“I can give you my body right now,” she said, trying to remove her clothes.

“Arianna just stopped , let’s just end things “.

“You deserve someone better, not an *sshoIe like me. Yes I played with your feelings earlier but you can’t blame me.

My parents forced me into this relationship and for the past two years all that’s left is emptiness “.

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