(She belongs to me only)


Avery Nelson

My hands were shaking right now, the sound of thunder got me screaming.

Then I heard like a book drop.

Hello who’s there, I said but got no answer.

Footsteps were heard.

Now, I was getting scared and freaking out.
It’s dark and I didn’t bring my phone along.

I should have just stayed in my room with Hanna. I just didn’t want to have that conversation.

The footsteps got nearer and nearer and the thunder was heard making me scream again.

I sat on the floor with my leg pulled up in my chest.
My hands were on my ear and I closed my eyes very tight.

I was shaking as tears were rolling down my eyes.

I tried to think of something else to keep my mind calm.

I started singing,

🎶I’m in a field of dandelion
Thinking of everyone that you’ll be mine….
I see forever in your eyes,
I feel okay when I see you smile..

Ahh, this isn’t working.

Someone hand touched my shoulder as I jumped up in fear.

Chill, it’s just me.

I looked up and saw it was Mason.

Ohh My God,

What are you doing here, I said.

You know this is the library and it’s open for everyone,


And then we fell into an awkward silence.
This is really weird. While I kept staring at him , his eyes were closed as he rested his head on one of the shelves.

Then another sound of thunder as I moved closer to him and buried my face in his hand holding him tight.

Are you scared of the sound of thunder?

No words came out of my mouth as I just nodded my head.

Then I heard him chuckle and I swear all the fear I felt at this moment was all gone.

I opened my eyes and looked at him.

He was so handsome but seeing him laugh made me stare at him confusedly.

No one has ever seen him smile or laugh in public before and here I am looking at Mason not even smiling but laughing.

Ohh sorry about that but it was quite funny.

I still stared at him,

Don’t worry secret’s safe with me, moreover everyone has their fears.

He said and a sad smile made his lips.

Do you have any fear? I found myself asking.

But he replied, like I said everyone has their own fear.

I just nodded my head.

Another thunder sound and I held him tighter.

He turned to me and smiled,

I always do this when I’m stressed out or not myself

Close your eyes,

I looked at him first and did as I was told.

Now imagine something you wish you could have.

All I always wanted was to remove my parents from poverty and give them the best life.

When you’ve done that, free your body and make sure you are relax. He said.

I slowly freed my body as I took a deep breath and I smiled.

An image of myself, my mom , dad and brother living in a big house smiling and laughing.

See, you did it

I opened my eyes and saw him looking at him.

Did you hear any thunder sound?he said

No, I said.

Because you let go of your fear for a moment. So whenever you are scared or feeling down just do it . It really helps.

Thank you, I said.

And he just nodded his head and closed his eyes back.

I stared at him and I could feel my heart beating fast.

Now the rain was getting down.

I closed my eyes feeling sleepy, slowly I didn’t know when I rested my head on his shoulder before dozing off.



I called Avery’s phone but I realized she didn’t take her phone.

Now it’s raining and she’s really scared of thunder.

I waited for another 30 minutes but she wasn’t back and I couldn’t take it anymore.

Thankfully there was an umbrella here . I took it and went outside.

She said she’ll be in the library.

I started walking in the rain although I was feeling cold because of the cloth I’m putting on and I didn’t take my jacket.

Then a car pulled beside me.

The window went down and to my shock it was Westley.

Hannah, what are you doing here?

I ignored him and continued walking.
But then I felt someone grab my hand . He was the one.

He opened the door of the passenger seat and pulled me inside before slamming the door.

Then he got inside, I looked at him and he was all wet.

I bit my lips because right now he was looking all hot.

Why are you walking in the rain?

Do you know you can get cold and fall sick?

I shivered because of the AC of the car and I’m sure he noticed it and turned it off.

Then he brought a jacket from the back seat and gave it to me.

Put it on, and I did as I was told.

Now, what are you doing in the rain?

I’m looking for Avery, she said she was going to the library and she isn’t back.

And she’s scared of thunder, I can’t imagine her alone. I said.

I’m also going to the library to pick up mason because he isn’t picking up.

He drove and once in a while I just stared at him.

But I later looked outside the window.

We got down immediately.

But the key was on the door which was weird.

Someone must have locked them inside,I said.

We unlocked it and I rushed looking for Avery and what I saw left me speechless.

I was all worried about her and here she was resting beside freaking Mason sleeping while he was asleep.

Ohh My God, Westley said beside me.

Let’s wake them up .

Wait , I said.

I brought out my phone and took a picture.

Now we can wake them up.

I woke up Avery and she hugged me immediately she saw me and Westley was yelling at mason while he wasn’t answering his phone.

He offered to give us a ride home.

Immediately we reached we both thanked them.

You have a lot to explain to Avery Nelson, I said.





I heard our 5th rommie will be arriving very soon.

Can’t wait to see who it is, Roy said.

Why are we even 5, I hate this mason said.

Well I wasn’t intestined at all, all that matters is me playing my game.

The door opened but my attention didn’t move away from my phone.

Ohh My God, I heard Mason , Westley and Roy say.

It’s a girl, Roy said.

I tired my eyes away from the phone as I looked up to see Natasha.

My eyes went wide.

Hey roommates, she said smiling as she waved at us.

The next thing I knew was my game pad falling from my hand.


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