
I walked out of the cafeteria as I blinked out some tears. Avery kept calling me but I didn’t look back.

I walked to the garden and sat there.


Minutes later Avery sat beside me .

“You’re okay”.

“Yes I think so”.

“It’s okay Hannah everything is gonna be okay”.

I laid down as I looked at the sky.
You know this is supposed to be fun but I’m having the least fun here.

This is just the second day Hannah, there is much fun ahead of us.

Tyler has been ghosting the both of us and I don’t know why. I’ve tried calling him but got nothing, Avery said.

Avery, are you sure it’s not because of you that’s his ghosting us.

What do you mean?

I mean…..

You know what, let’s forget it , we will talk to him when we see okay.


Then we both fell in silence, not the awkward one or the one we had nothing to say but one we both enjoyed.

I saw the way you looked at Mason.

Yeah, you know I’ve always had a crush on him and I’m one of his biggest fans.

He’s just perfect.

Not as perfect as Westley, I said.

Nah mason is more perfect.







Yes, you agreed that Westley is better.

That was a mistake.

Avery would love to date Mason.

I looked at her as she was quiet for a while.

Nope I wouldn’t like to date him.
He might be my crush but I wouldn’t like to date him.

Him and Ariana are the perfect couple.

Come on, let’s go and stroll.

I took her hand as we began to go round.

We first went to the pool and it was wider than my house.

This is awesome, Avery said.

Yes, too bad that you and I can’t swim.

I know right, she replied.

We continued to walk until we reached a gigantic building.

It was so big and I’m sure the inside was so beautiful.

Wow, this is amazing.

Are you sure this is not where the A4 is staying? Avery asked.

I think so , I heard that only the top 5 richest can stay in this building but no one knows who the 5th person is.

Wow, I wish I was here, just imagine how inside it will be, Avery said.

Before I could reply….

We both heard a voice that belongs to none other than the A4.

What are you both doing here? This time it was Mason that talked with no emotion on his face.

Hey Blondie, Roy said winking at me but my eyes were on Westley and he was also looking at me back.

Hmm, Avery said, htting me before taking my eyes away from Westley.
Sorry, we were just strolling and we got here, Avery said.

And I nodded.

Or they are both just crazy fans, this time it was Oliver that talked and I and Avery looked at each other because this is the first time we’ve heard Oliver talk before.

No no, I swear we were just strolling….
But Mason just walked past us as he went inside.

So rude, I muttered.

And Avery eyed me.

And stopped myself from laughing.

Oliver also went in after Mason.

Leaving Roy and Westley left.

Hey Blondie, he said again.

It’s Hannah.

He gave that stupid smirk and said a beautiful name for a goddess like you.

I couldn’t help but blush and smile at the same time.

I see your friend is also very pretty.

I looked at Avery who gave him a small smile.

I looked at Westley who had a cold expression on his face.

See you at the party tonight.

Enough of this talk, let’s go inside, Westley said.

What party I said

Before I could get an answer Westley started dragging him away.

Make sure you save me a dance Hannah, he shouted before going inside.

I looked at Avery who had the same expression as I had.

As we made our way back to our room .

As we passed the center parlor on the third floor we heard some girls talking about the party.

🗣️ I can’t wait once it’s 10pm.

🗣️ I’ve prepared my dress already.

🗣️ The A4 won’t take their eyes away from us.

I guess we were the only ones that weren’t aware of the party.

Immediately we entered our room we both collapsed on our bed

Are you going for lunch?

Nah I think I’ll skip it .

Me too.

I literally don’t know what this party is all about or what I’m going to wear. Avery said.

Really Avery, I packed some clothes for you. Don’t worry you have me, I’ll help you with your makeup and dress.

You’re the best Hannah.

I know.

With that my eyes began to close slowly.



“Don’t tell me you’re going to dance with Hannah” I said.

Yes of course , she’s pretty,Roy said and that only angered me the more.

You can’t dance with her.

Why can’t I?

Because you’re a playboy, I know you just want to get in between her legs Roy.

That’s who I am and you’re not wrong at all,he said.

And when do you start to care about who I messed around with?

I don’t care if you mess with any other person or not but not her.

Roy smirked at me.

Are you already in love with her?

Whatever you think I don’t care but not her.

With that I went upstairs leaving Roy shouting my name.

I lay at my bed as I heard the door open and I knew it was Mason.

Are you going to the party?

I don’t want to go before but I have to now.

Is it because of her?


Just talk to her okay. You spent years looking for her and now you know she’s here you are giving her the cold vibes.

I can’t Mason.

I know it’s not easy mostly with your parents but you have to talk to her.

I saw the way you were looking at her outside.

And I know she definitely feels the same way for you.

I don’t know about that.

So you’ll let Roy dance with her and sleep with her?

You know Roy never listens until he gets what he wants.

Are you gonna go to the party too? I tried to change the topic.

I don’t know, I don’t want you but do I have a choice.

You guys will hate me if I don’t go mostly with you, mason said.

You know us too well.

How did it go with you and Ariana?

It went well,

I just nodded as I stared deep into mason eyes.

I sighed as I said.

Always know that your happiness comes first before other people are okay.

Yeah I’m sure about that.

I can play with you Westley.

I just nodded my head as I shifted a lot to give him space .

I watched as he laid down his face buried in the pillow.

I’m so exhausted that I want to sleep away.

I looked at Mason as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

I took my phone as I set the alarm Incase I slept past the time to prepare for the party.

I took one last look on my phone before I joined mason.


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