Chris was about saying something else when his phone rang out.

“Sht!!” He cursed, when he brought out the phone and saw the caller.

“Ivy I have to go now, I’ll give you a call later. Talk to you later” he rushed his words and hurriedly walked out of the garden, wearing his hoodie cap which he brought down for Ivy to see, when she was acting all scared.

Ivy just watched in surprise as he walked away.

Chris wanna be her friend, since when? Why?

“This might be a plan, Ivy be smart” her subconscious told her.

It might be true, this just crossed her mind. It might be a set up.


The next day at school, Ivy was still seated at the library. She was not also attending classes today.

Today is the last day for her to complete those notes, and she needed to be done with it quickly.

She doesn’t even want to know what the C4’s would do to her if she doesn’t finish the notes, it will be quite terrible.

She got so many calls from Leo and Courtney last night, but she did not even bother picking up any of them, she wasn’t ready for explanations.

Coz she knew for sure they were gonna bombard her with questions, especially Leonard.

She’s gonna look for a perfect explanation to give them when she’s finally done with this particular task, as for now she has nothing to say.

She was still writing the notes yesterday when she slept off again, she slept off right in the spot without taking her bath or even having dinner. The C4’s are really making her miserable these days.

Speaking of the C4’s, Chris called last night but she was unable to take the call, coz she was already asleep by then.

And she was really glad she didn’t take the call, coz she really don’t wanted to speak to Chris.

This might be a set-up, who knows? Coz Chris cannot just turn out to be kind all of a sudden, so it is best she avoids him for now.

Hopefully after this, she would have sometime to read for her upcoming test. Even if it’s a short time, at least she would read a little bit for it, and that would be enough.



Few hours later, Ivy was almost done with all the notes, and she could not be more grateful. It is remaining just a topic each for all of them.

That of Canice wasn’t that hard for her, coz he was her classmate. But for Castillo and Collins, she found it challenging.

Up till now, she still can’t seem to figure out why Chris refused to give his notebooks to her. But she was also happy at the same time, coz it was such a great relief.

She would have never been able to complete all of them at such short notice.

She would have used some help from Courtney and Alvin, but she didn’t want to drag them into her problem.

And also they strictly warned her not to share their notebooks to anyone, so she had to carry her cross by herself.

Shortly, she slept off in the library, that was the only thing she knew how to do these days. Sleep! And today, she was the only one in the library, so she effortlessly slept off.


Minutes later, the loud blaring of her phone woke her up, and she jolted up quickly and held her phone. Only to look at the phone and find out it was Chris calling.

She scoffed loudly as she saw this.

“What is the problem with Chris now, why is he suddenly giving me a call at school?” She spoke out loud to herself.

She knew Chris was in school today, coz she saw him on her way to the library, but she made sure he did not see her, she was dodging from him.

He has woken her up, and now she would not be able to sleep back again.

She refused to take the call, and so she decided to use this opportunity to finish the notes, so she’s sure she has nothing to do with their notebooks again.

She tried copying the notes but couldn’t, as Chris would not stop disturbing her phone. Anytime she tries to pen down something, the phone rings out.

She sighed as she took the phone, and put it on silent mode. She doesn’t need his calls, at least not now.


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