Chris snapped his head to their direction, he just hopes Cassie doesn’t do anything stupid.

Collins, Canice, Natasha and Anabella were really happy seeing this, they wished Cassie could do more.

While Castillo just say with one of his legs on the other, he was just watching with no expression on his face.

Ivy just decided to keep her quiet coz this was the first time she was having a personal conversation, and she have to at least be polite.

She knew from the start that Cassie isn’t gonna be happy if she saw them that way, but Castillo asked her to go on, and now he’s just sitting there quietly, and acting blind to the whole situation.

Assh*le! Cassie claims to be his girlfriend, so she deserves an explanation, coz if it were to be her, she would not like it either.

But that explanation was definitely not gonna come from her, coz she did not bring herself here. And that was the main reason she was quiet.

“I’m talking to you b*tch” Cassie barked and landed a slap in Ivy’s face. This was the height, this what Ivy would not take.

Everyone in the room was watching and Cassie’s girls cheered her really hard. Collins and Canice were busy smirking, while Castillo still sat there unmoved.

But to Ivy’s greatest surprise, before she could retaliate Chris came into the scene. She planned on slapping Cassie back, but before she could do that, Chris stepped in front of her.

“It’s obvious you’re stupid Cassie, did she bring herself here? Would she be giving Castillo a foot rub if he didn’t ask for it?” Chris spat.

“What do you mean by that Chris? Can’t she talk, why did she ignore me when I asked?” Cassie said feeling really surprised.

“Because you’re not a goddess. If she does not have an answer to your f*cking question, then you ask your lovely Castillo” Chris said, clearly the last part was sarcasm.

“This should be the first and last time you’ll hit her…..I mean anyone in my presence. Is that clear now?” Chris said with authority, and Cassie nodded slowly.

She had to answer, coz Chris could sI.ap her here and now, he isn’t a person to bluff.

Everyone in that room was totally shocked, including Ivy.

Why would Chris stand up for her that way? Chris hated her the most amongst the four of them, he is supposed to even be happy Cassie slapped her. But his reaction now is really shocking, it’s implying another thing.

Canice and Collins were shocked to the core, and they could not hide it. They began protesting and attacking Chris.

“Why would you stand up for this witch?” Canice scoffed.

“What do you mean by that, are you not the one that’s always hitting her. Or so now you don’t want another person to do same?” Collins huffed.

“I do not see how that concerns you” he replied harshly. And the girls mouth all went agape, especially Anabella, she was feeling so pained. But all Cassie felt was shock.

Castillo was also very shocked at Chris’s behavior, but he did a good job in hiding it, as usual.

“Will you guys just shut up and stop this meaningless argument” Castillo roared, when he saw that the room was becoming rowdy.

They all kept quiet immediately. They were not surprised that this was all Castillo could say at a time like this, he is always like this. He doesn’t talk too much, but always haves what he wanna do in mind.

After the room went quiet, Chris just walked away from there, and went back to the window where he stood before.

PActing as if nothing just happened, and this left them all in shock.

What is going on here????


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