Ivy sat there wondering how this lady’s unable to see them, coz even with her tiny eyes, she noticed Castillo immediately she entered. So what she exactly is wrong with this lady?

She prays she never finds them since she’s so dumb.

“He’s over there” Canice said pointing to where they were seated. Coz he understood Cassie was looking for him.

Immediately Canice pointed it out for her, Cassie quickly turned her head to the direction, and there she saw a human figure.

Oh! She didn’t even look towards that direction all this while.

“Thank you Canice” she greeted and started walking towards that direction. But along the way, something struck her.

As she got closer, she found out they were two figures there and not one.

“Who could the other person be? Everyone was complete already. Or could it be one of his guards?” She thought to herself.

But as she got closer, she saw that it was a female figure. Jeeez! She was already burning up in anger, even before she got to see the lady.

Castillo is seated with a lady, at a dark corner! This is so unlike him, he is never seen with a lady except her, and has not even taken her to a dark corner before. So what’s all this!!

No wonder he did not say a word when she was busy looking for him. She knew that it was his nature to be quiet, but she felt this was different.

“Who even gave the lady the right to come into this room” she thought.

She was so eager to know who this lady was.

As she drew closer, Ivy tried removing her hands from Castillo’s foot, but he ordered her not to stop.

“Hey what are you trynna do! Go on with what you’re doing” he huffed, and rested his head back on the chair.

Ivy had no option than to continue with the foot rub. He was really enjoying it, it seems he liked to be pampered.

Cassie finally got to where they were, and what she saw shocked the living daylight out of her…….

That same Ivy girl, giving Castillo a foot rub, with his legs on her laps. What In heaven’s name is the meaning of this? And Castillo sat with his head at the back, he was clearly enjoying this.

And the most painful part of this all is that they both did not even acknowledge her presence, they kept doing what they were doing. And this got her really angry.

“What in f*ck’s name is going on here?” Cassie asked aggressively, but they still remained quiet.

Cassie felt as if she was running mad.

“I’m I not talking to a human being” she growled and then yanked Ivy’s hair. And now Ivy was forced to let go of Castillo’s feet, as she quickly stood on her feet.

“What the h’ll are you doing in this room with my boyfriend, who invited you here?” She snarled and Ivy just stood looking at her, without even uttering a word.

“Goshhh! Is this lady dumb? I said what are you doing here, and you’re just there gazing!!” Cassie growled . And by this time, they’ve gotten everyone’s attention already.


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