Ivy walked slowly into the room. And as usual, the male student bowed and left the room. Leaving her with the C4’s.

“Good day sirs” she greeted lowly as her eyes scanned round the room.

Chris stood by the window looking out, while Canice and Collins were seated on a bench, also close to the window.

Castillo on the other hand, sat at a dark corner totally different from where the rest were seated.

“You really need to learn to come here on your own once it is lunch beak” Chris said without taking his eyes off the window, and Ivy remained silent.

“Anyway it’s a good thing you’re here now. I need a foot rub” Castillo suddenly uttered as he removed his legs from the high stool where they were, and placed them on the floor.

Hearing this, Ivy quickly snapped at him, but she could not see his face, coz he was seated at a dark corner.

“Oh no! Not again!!!” Ivy rolled her eyes tiredly.


“I hate it when I give an instruction and I’m being ignored” Castillo snarled when he saw Ivy still standing there.

And quickly Ivy walked up to where he sat, she pulled out a stool and sat in it. She wondered why of all places here, Castillo chose to sit here in this dark corner.

She raised his leg from the floor, and put them on her laps, and slowly she got to work, scurrying her little eyes in order see well, and not to make any mistake.

Immediately Ivy started working on his feet, Castillo closed his eyes and flung his head to the back. He was enjoying every bit of it.

This girl is gonna make a really good masseuse, she does it so well.

Not long after Ivy started giving him foot rub, Cassie and her crew walked into the the class.

Natasha walked straight to where Collins was seated, and gave him a kss on the lips, he smiled and then reciprocated the kss. They kssed for a while before finally disengaging from the kss, and then Natasha sat firmly on his laps.

“Hi Canice, Hi Collins” Anabella greeted as she took her seat close to Canice.

“Hi Annie” Canice replied.

“Oh Hi babe” Collins said smiling mischievously, and Anabella just released a little smile.

She did not bother to say hi to Chris coz she knew that as usual, he’s not gonna answer.

He normally snubs their greeting, and act as tho he sees no one, whenever they came around.

All the girls were seated now except Cassie, who was busy using her eyes to search for Castillo. But she could not find him.

Castillo was watching quietly from where he was seated. He knew Cassie was looking for him, but he chose to be quiet.

Ivy on the other hand felt more uncomfortable as they walked in, especially when she saw what Collins and that Natasha of a girl were doing.

God forgive, but she had to use this word. She hated this girls so much, right from the very first day she saw them.


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