She really loved Leo, and she was so jealous and hurt, knowing that he loves another.

Leo is her classmate and she has been crushing on him ever since she got into Crestfield, but he never noticed her or talked to her.

Not that he moved with other girls, he was just always on his own, she only got the chance to get close him coz of Ivy. She wondered what he saw in Ivy real quick, that he could not see in her.

She had waited for ages for this particular guy to just speak to her, but Ivy achieved that on her first day.

So she just wanted to know if Ivy feels the same way Leo does for her.

“Why would you even think such a thing?” Ivy huffed, after staring at her for sometime.

“I don’t know. I just noticed it, and I want to know if you love him too” she shrugged.

“Look Courtney, I think you’re just imagining things. Like how is that even possible” Ivy chuckled.

But this was not what Courtney wanted to hear, she wanted to know how Ivy felt about the whole issue. And she was damn ready to force it out of Ivy.

Just as she was about to pressure Ivy again, Dominic walked up to them, and stood in front of them. He was about to speak when Ivy stopped him.

“I know, I know” Ivy rolled her eyes and got up instantly.

“Courtney I have to go now” Ivy said as she turned to Courtney.

“When will you be back?” Courtney questioned.

“I don’t know, but hopefully before closing hours” Ivy mouthed sadly.

“Okay no problem, I’ll be waiting for you” Courtney said calmly, and Ivy nodded before walking away.

Just as she began walking, she saw Leo walking towards her direction. Obviously he was coming to spend some time with them, but sadly she could not be with them.

“Hey Ivy, where are you going?” Leo asked feeling concerned.

Hearing Leo’s voice reminded her of what Courtney said earlier on, but she quickly shrugged it off.

“I’m going up……I’ll be back soon” Ivy stuttered and quickly walked away, to avoid further questions from him.

Leo watched her as she walked away, he already knew where she was headed. And he felt really bad knowing she was going to the den of those useless boys, he just wished there was something he could do about it.

He imagined walking up to Ivy and dragging her away, but it was impossible, even Ivy would not allow it.

He kept looking at her, and then his eyes turned to the direction he was heading before, there he saw Courtney seating quietly on the bench, and looking straight towards his direction.

He suddenly got tired of going there coz Ivy was his main reason for coming here at first, but he just decided to go anyway, maybe to find out some things from Courtney.

Ivy must have told her things about yesterday, so it is not bad if he finds out from her.


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