“Alvin you’re not gonna do this to me. If you do that, you’re a bad twin” Ivy sobbed.

“No! I’m only gonna be a bad twin if I keep this to myself. Can you bear the torture from the C4’s? Anything might happen to you, I’m sacred for you Ivy”

“Ivy you’re my twin, and I do not want anything to happen to you. If it does happen to you now, it has happened to me also” Alvin said softly.

“I can Alvin, I can bear it, it’s nothing” Ivy sobbed.

“Really?” He huffed.

“You don’t know those guys, they can do anything they want to you, and no one would cough about it.

So it’s better leave now while you can, coz you’re gonna still dropout on your own too.

You better do that now, when all parts of your body are still complete” Alvin explained.

“Alvin leave that to me I beg you, don’t worry about me, I can handle myself.

I don’t wanna dropout of school, I’ll have no hope of going to school. If my education ends now, I’ll blame it all on you” she pleaded and Alvin became confused now.

He looked at her for sometime and sighed before speaking. Seeing the way she was pleading, he had to reconsider.

“Alright fine! I won’t tell mom and dad about it. But do not say I did not warn you” Alvin said tiredly and Ivy smiled before throwing herself at him, in a warm hug.

“So have you forgiven me now?” She pouted and Alvin eyed her, before nodding.

“Thank you so much bro, you’re the best” she said and hugged him again, and Alvin released a forced smile.

His mind wasn’t settled at all. He is really sacred for his twin, and he doesn’t want her to go back there.

She’s only claiming she can handle them, even when she knows very well that she could not. Ivy always likes to act tough, even when she’s not.

But what can he do? He loves his twin so much and does not want anything that would make her sad. So he had to concur to her, despite the fact that he was feeling scared.

All he has to do is hope and part that she’ll be okay, and nothing happens to her.

Cassie paced to and fro in her room, thinking about today’s incident.

That Ivy of a girl! What would Castillo be doing with someone like her.

They were mainly good at torturing guys and not ladies, so why would they be on this girl’s case. And the most annoying part of it is that she has refused to leave the school.

She found out from Albert, Castillo’s guard, that this lady’s been seeing them for almost a month now. So what is she waiting for, why isn’t she leaving the school already.

That stupid girl has activated her witch mode now. If she isn’t gonna leave, she Cassie is going to make her do so.

No girl should be seen with Castillo except her, no matter what!!!


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