Ivy and Alvin got home that day, and luckily their parents were not around. They had gone to visit their grannie in the hospital together.

After that incident, Ivy and Alvin haven’t spoken to themselves. Alvin refused to say a word to her, he was really disappointed and pissed off.

They got into the house, and Alvin was about to go upstairs when Ivy stopped him.

“Alvin” she called.

But he was ready to ignore her as he was already climbing the stairs, but Ivy ran and stood in front of him.

“Alvin I wanna talk to you” she pouted and blocked him from leaving.

But he was just looking at her without saying anything to her.

“Alvin please! You can be mad at me all you want, but please don’t give me the silent treatment” she pleaded.

“What do you want me to say to you?” Alvin asked in an unfriendly tone.

“Anything, anything at all, I know you have so many things in your head to say. Shout at me, let it all out. Remember we promised not to give each other the silent treatment anymore” she cooed, making puppy eyes.

“Promise? Really?” Alvin scoffed.

“But you forget we promised not to hide things from each other right?”

“You even went as far as telling your friends not to say anything to me Ivy! What has come over you?” He half yelled.

“I don’t know Alvin, I don’t just know. I was scared” she sobbed.

“Scared? Of what Ivy, what were you scared of?”

“That you’ll be disappointed in me, that you would tell dad and mom, and you all would be disappointed In me. And that y’all would ask me to dropout”

“Oh yes you will, coz that is what is gonna happen now” Alvin said.

“What no! Alvin please do not tell mom and dad about this please” Ivy pleaded.

“And why should I listen to you? Tell me Ivy, why should I?”

“After everything I told you about those guys, after the warning I gave to you, you still went ahead to mess around with those guys. You never listen, do you?” Alvin scolded.

“Alvin it was never my intention, it just happened. I did not wish for it to happen” Ivy said.

“Yeah I know! Nobody wished for it to happen also, but now it is done already and there’s nothing we can do about it.

Just imagine! You’ve been receiving torture from the C4’s, with your smallish body” Alvin huffed.

“Alvin please…….I don’t wanna dropout” she begged.

“Well there’s nothing I or anyone can do about it now, coz you’re dropping out. If mom and dad hears about it, there’s absolutely no way you’re going back to Crestfield”

“I know! That’s why I’m begging you to keep it from mom and dad, please!! I don’t want them to know about this, there’s no way they can ask me to drop out if they don’t find out about this” she pleaded seriously.

“Are you ¢razy! What do you mean we should keep it from mom and dad?” He questioned, and Ivy shook his hand, pleading with him.

“Naaaah, I’m not gonna be part of this plan Ivy, I’m not gonna be a part of it coz I’m definitely gonna tell mom and dad about it” he shook his head.


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