Castillo hated to feel pain, whatever he knew was gonna stress him, he completely stayed away from it.

And due to this, he hardly felt pain, he appeared like a fragile person, and really he had no much strength in him.

Ivy slowly started massaging his feet, and she was doing it carefully, being really gentle.

“Goddd!” Castillo moaned as he threw his head to the back.

Ivy was really good at this, coz she was always giving Alvin foot rubs back at home.

She saw he was enjoying it, and she felt really pained. He cannot be enjoying her foot rub like this. Annoying fool!

She eyed him and then drew his big toe really hard.

“Ouch” Castillo screamed as his eyes snapped open. Immediately, all his body guards became alert.

“I’m sorry” Ivy apologized quickly.

Castillo sat there glaring at her really hard. His toe was hurting real bad.

“Young boss!” One of the guards ran up to him, where he was seated.

Castillo was still glaring at her, and Ivy did not realize she was making puppy eyes already.

She was really scared. All this drama just coz of someone’s scream, Gosh! This is real hard.

Castillo waved the guard off, still glaring at her. And the guard bowed before leaving. He glared at her some more, before speaking.

“I can see you’re blind, but let those bat eyes of yours be open when you’re handling any part of my body. Is that clear!” She spat, and Ivy nodded quickly.

“Now get back to work” he said and relaxed his head back on the chair.

The rest of the boys were looking at them, and Ivy was smiling inwardly.

She really liked what she did right now, it’s very good for him.

It’s good to pay evil back. These boys are wicked beings.


Leo was angrily walking towards the filed. He was going to meet Courtney to explain what he had just seen, coz he knew Ivy would never open up. And even if she will, he could not wait up till that time. He needed an urgent answer.

On his way to the field, someone stopped him and the face looked really familiar. He kept wondering where he had seen that particular person.

“Hi” the person greeted.

“Hey” he answered.

“ I would love to speak to you” the familiar male student said.

“Uhmm, who are you please?” Leo questioned.

“Don’t you remember me?” He asked and Leo shook his head.

“I’m Ivy’s twin brother Alvin” he said and Leo’s eyes widened.

“Oh so sorry, my bad, forgive me” Leo said smiling .

“Oh no it’s nothing” Alvin shrugged, and Leo nodded.

“So what is it you wanna speak to me about?” Leo asked and Alvin exhaled deeply, before speaking.

“I know you care about my sister and all that” he started.

“I know you’re not a bad person, and you may not be like your brother Chris. But I’ll appreciate it if you stop taking Ivy places and leave her to focus on her studies” Alvin explained, and Leo was totally confused.

“Huh! What do you mean?” Leo questioned.

“Why are you acting all ignorant? You don’t have to, Ivy told me already”

“Told you what?” Leo huffed.

“There was a day she came home late, she confessed that you took her to Chills, and that was during schools hours” he mouthed, and Leo just stood there looking confused.

“Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have a problem with you being Ivy’s friend. But the thing is Ivy may be acting tough, but she’s not at all. Ivy’s a soft person, and I do not want you to complicate things for her”

“You being close to her is as much as Chris being close to her, and I do not want that.

It’s 70 percent sure that anyone you know, Chris is likely to know that person as well, and we all know Chris is a ruthless person. So please, I’ll appreciate it if you let Ivy concentrate” Alvin explained politely.


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