Ivy was seated with Courtney on the bench, but her mind was really far away.

Why did Leo have to see that credit card now? He’s gonna suspect her big time.

She just hopes whatever happens, it doesn’t turn out that bad.

Just then! Dominic, the same male student that had called her that day, walked up to them.

“What is it this time around?” Courtney asked tiredly, immediately she saw him.

“The C4’s are asking to see you Ivy” he replied quickly and Ivy hissed in pain.

Another day to suffer.


After that incident between Leo and Ivy, Leo was so surprised, and he strongly believes she has something to do with the C4’s.

When she left, he also ran after her, but only found out she was going to Courtney. He stood there for some minutes looking at them, and when he finally decided to leave, he saw a male student walking up to them.

He didn’t think it had anything to do with the C4’s, but he just decided to wait and watch. And after some time, Ivy stood up and waved Courtney, and then she started walking away with the male student .

Leo watched them from where he stood.

“This seems interesting” he thought, and he slowly started following them.

They kept walking till they got to the fourth floor, and Leo was still following them.

“What on earth would Ivy be doing on the fourth floor. This place is so isolated, and students hardly comes here. So what on earth would she be doing here all alone, with a male student” Leo thought.

But as they continued moving, he found out they were close to the music class, and this was Chris’s and his friends favorite spot. They were always hanging out here.

“Could it be possible she was going to see the C4’s?…….No, it can’t be” Leo thought as he kept following them quietly.

He followed them until they got to a place and diverted into the class next to the music class, and not long, the male student came out and started walking back.

Leo found an empty class and hid himself till the student passed, and slowly he started walking towards the class.

He was almost close to the class when he heard Castillo’s voice, and then he needed no other confirmation to tell Ivy was with the C4’s.

He badly wanted to see what was going on in there, but Castillo’s guard surrounded the room, and that made it impossible for him to do so. Coz the guards were keeping an eye on Castillo, and he needs to be extra careful, even when leaving.

“What the h’ll is going on?”

“Why would Ivy be alone with the C4’s?”

“What is she doing in there?”

“What’s the meaning of all this?” He had so many questions running through his head, but there was no answers to this questions.

There is only one person that can give him answers to his questions, and that is Ivy. He’s gonna force the answers out of her, if eventually she refuses to speak.

He turned around, and gently started walking out of the place.


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