Ivy was almost forced to tell him, but she would not dare do that.

“Do not worry about me Leo, I’ll be fine” she said with a light smile.

Leo wasn’t convinced at all, he knew she was not okay.

He was about opening his mouth to speak, when a huge student ran into Ivy with so much speed and took off afterwards. Not even caring to know who he knocked down.

Ivy fell on her back, and her school bag fell to another corner. It bursted open, and almost all the content fell out of it.

“Ouch!!!” Ivy yelled as she sat on her bvtts, and she was trying to clean up her hands which she placed for support when she fell.

“Hey! Hey!” Leo screamed after the student, but he was gone.

Leo badly wanted to chase after him and give him a heavy punch for knocking Ivy down, but he couldn’t just leave her in that state, so he had to stay back.

“Sorry dear” he said as he helped her from the floor. And immediately she was up, he went to her school bag to help her pack her stuff.

He was busy placing her things back into her bag pack, but suddenly halted when something caught his attention.

It was a credit card! Not just an ordinary credit card, it was the credit card of the Walter family. The customized credit card of mr Pedro Walter, what could Ivy be doing with it?

She does not know Elsa, neither has she seen her before, so it is only Castillo that is capable of handing this card to her. But how? Why?

“Ivy how did you get this?” He questioned, and Ivy rushed to where he stood and quickly snatched it away from him.

“It’s not nice snooping around people’s stuff like this” she growled.

“I wasn’t snooping, it fell out and I happened to see it” he said and Ivy just looked at him, and then she bent down and started packing the rest of her stuff.

Leo watched her in sheer shock, as she did this. He was really speechless, what was wrong with Ivy?

“Goodbye” she said calmly and walked away with her bag pack.

Leo was beyond shocked as he watched Ivy do all this. What would she be doing with the Walter’s credit card? Could she be a thief? But how would she steal from the Walter’s that easily? It’s impossible!

So many thoughts kept running through his mind as he watched Ivy go.

Castillo is the only person who would have given her that card. Cos Elsa was not even in their school, it’s never his parents either.

But why? Why on earth would Castillo give her his credit card? Does he even know her?

She claims she does not have anything to do with them, that she wasn’t punished by them either. But here she is, with his credit card.

And the look in her eyes when she held the card was something else, it shows she was hiding something. And he is gonna find out soon.

“Ivy needs to be kept a close eye on” he mumbled, as he walked away.


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