The next day at school, Chris sat at the back as usual, and he had his eyes pinned on Ivy the whole time. No matter how hard he tried, he could not seem to take his eyes off her.

He couldn’t wait to see her at close range today. Truth be told, he really missed her, through out the night he could not sleep. He was just busy thinking of Leo and Ivy,the smile he saw Leo giving Ivy yesterday was not an ordinary one, he understood it perfectly.

He does not even know why he was feeling this restless.

“You’re jealous!” His subconscious teased.

Whatever! He could not even care less.

Few days ago, he hated the fact that he was having a soft spot for this girl. But after seeing what he saw yesterday, he was no longer disgusted by that fact, instead he embraced it this time around.

His pride would not let him, he really wanted to prove to Leo that he was way bigger than him. Whatever he wants, he gets.

Now, he was ready to consider his feelings for Ivy, just to prove a point to Leo. Even if it’s not now, someday he’s gonna get that girl.

He was so sure she would easily jump at his offer, and then maybe his mind would be at rest. Coz he’s really feeling restless now.



The class was dismissed already, and it was time for lunch break.

Ivy was busy gathering her things, she decided to always take her bag pack along anywhere she goes, from now on.

She was still gathering her things when she came across Castillo’s credit card, she had put it in her bag that day at home. And since then, they haven’t met.

She was really surprised and happy at the same time when she wasn’t called yesterday, she was really wishing it could be like that today.

But when, and how would she get to return this credit card to Castillo? Coz she was not comfortable keeping it with her. Seeing it, it reminds her of the incident that happened the other day. She has to return it!

Studying it, she figured it was not the normal credit card. It was customized with the name Walter at the front.

Really? So this people also have their own credit card. Wow! Just wow.

She sighed and dropped it into her bag pack.

She stood up from her seat, and was heading to where Courtney was, she knew Courtney would be waiting for her already. And who knows, she might still get lucky today, the C4’s might let her be.

She flung her bag pack to her back, and walked out of the building. While she was still walking, she was busy thinking of so many things.

She never expected it to be this way. She knew she wasn’t gonna like Crestfield, but this now is so different. Far from her expectations.

Even Alvin does not even have her time here in school. She was thinking they would be best buddies and move around together, but she was dmn wrong!

She barely even sees him after they path ways in the morning, until after closing hours. He hardly hangs out, and even if he does want to, he chooses to do it with his mini witch. Sophia.

This really isn’t fair at all! Obviously, Leonard and Courtney are the only nice people in the whole of Crestfield.

She’s passing through a very hard time now, and her own twin brother doesn’t even know about it. It’s gonna be fine anyway, coz that is how she wants it, she’s gonna pull through this.

“I can do this all by myself” she encouraged herself.

She was deep in thought as she kept on walking, and suddenly she bumped into someone. Again! She hoped this wasn’t another ticket to suffering.

She prayed silently as she raised her head, only to find Leo looking at her, and she heaved a sigh of relief.

“Leo, where are you running off to?” She asked.

“No the question should be, what are you thinking about? You were so deep in thought that you didn’t even see me coming” Leo said looking straight at her.

“I’m sorry” she sighed tiredly.

“Ivy you’ve become so isolated these days, what’s the problem with you? Tell me, I might be of help, who knows” Leo said calmly, his eyes holding so much concern.


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