Throughout class that day, Ivy was just calm and could not even answer any question, which was so unlike her.

Mr Fred had asked her what was wrong, but she lied to him that she was just feeling a bit tired, and dizzy.

Canice also saw this and he was feeling very happy. Just a day of torture and she’s already loosing focus in class, what happens when the torture comes on a regular? He is so loving this.

Chris watched her quietly from where he sat, and had this feeling of guilt and pity towards her. But he quickly shrugged it aside, that isn’t gonna work on him.

This is just the beginning Ivy!


Ivy sat with Courtney on a bench close to the field during lunch break, and Ivy was just staring into space, looking lost.

Courtney was feeling nothing but pity for her friend. It was just a day and she was already looking miserable, the worst Is yet to come.

The C4’s are really dangerous! She knew of some students they tortured in the past, and they all ran away in less than a week.

But it has been quite long they did that, they were in the business of expulsion now. She doesn’t know why they started with Ivy this time.

Left to her, she would advice Ivy to leave now, coz Ivy would not be able to bear any of they at all.

But truthfully, she isn’t gonna be herself if Ivy leaves. She was equally confused there, not knowing what to do.

Just as they were seated there quietly, a male student ran up to where they sat and stood in front of them.

“May we help you?” Courtney quickly asked, looking at him from head to toe.

He looked at Courtney also and sighed before speaking.

“Who’s Ivy?” He asked, and Ivy quickly raised her head which was bowed all this while, to look at him.

“I’m Ivy, is there any problem?” She answered calmly.

“The C4’s asked me to get you” he replied, and they both snapped at him.

“Sweet Joseph” Courtney mumbled.


Ivy sighed sadly before standing up on her feet.

“Do you really wanna go?” Courtney asked as she joined Ivy on her feet.

“What would you have me do? I have to” she muttered tiredly, and waved Courtney goodbye before she slowly started following the male student.

As Courtney watched her go, she was felling so much guilt. Somehow she felt she was the cause of Ivy’s current predicament.

Ivy clearly told her that she wasn’t going to the cafeteria that day, but she forced her into going. Again, they were almost escaping but she just had to spoil it by calling Ivy’s name.

She was so afraid of the C4’s and has never crossed path with them, she couldn’t help but wonder what the C4’s needed from her.

Ivy got into trouble with them, before she could even get to enjoy her stay here. With the C4’s on her case now, she is never gonna enjoy Crestfield.

She know she sounds selfish, but she somehow wished there was a way Ivy could remain in the school. She has come to love Ivy so much, and never wanted her to leave.

But the best thing for Ivy is to leave, coz no one can deal with the C4’s problem, she has not seen any student that could do so. Each and everyone of them left.

But Ivy’s case is different, she is really stubborn. She just hopes nothing happens to her friend.


The boy led Ivy to the C4’s usual room on the last floor, close to the music class.

The place was really isolated, that she couldn’t help but wonder why they chose here. Are they planning to kill her or something???

Immediately they entered the room, the boy greeted them politely, and left. Leaving Ivy alone in the lion’s den, with four lions.

“Ivy Crownway, I see we have to teach you how to greet too” Castillo said immediately Dominic left the class.


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