He picked up his phone and studied the picture, and the face of that girl from the restroom kept replying in his head.

Or could she be the one? Coz the familiarity of her face was haunting him.

But if it is the Ivy he knew, she would never keep quiet and let him insult her like that. She would react even if it’s to say something, the other one from the party kept acting dumb.

This was the only thing that was giving him doubts. If not, he has concluded that it was Ivy already.

Anyway he’s gonna find out. Who knows it could be Ivy, coz she knows nothing than to get in people’s way and also insult them.

“Clumsy being” he huffed as he dropped his phone on the bed, coz he was tired of operating it already.

He took a bag of chips from the cupboard beside his bed and tore it open, he took an amount and threw some of them into his mouth.

So many of it poured on the bed, coz he was lying down, and it was impossible for all to go in successfully.

It was clearly obvious that he was not hungry at all. Like always, he just had the urge to waste food.

He buried his head in his pillow as he listened to cool songs from his headphone, he was also thinking of Ivy’s punishment for tomorrow, coz today’s own was really interesting.

Next time she should know better than to mess with the C4’s.


Ivy was getting ready for school, looking as gorgeous as always, when Alvin walked in fully prepared for school.

“Hey bro, good morning!” She greeted immediately he walked in, and then took her head back to what she was doing.

“Are you set for school?” He asked.

“Yeah, let me just be done with this zipper, it is giving me a hard time” she replied, still fighting with her skirt.

“Do you feel pressured going to Crestfield?” Alvin suddenly asked out if nowhere, and Ivy quickly snapped at him.

“What do you mean?” She asked feeling really scared already.

“Like your behavior these days has totally changed, you are no longer the cheerful Ivy I used to know. You’re acting I don’t know if it’s okay to say “Isolated” these days” Alvin explained, and she forced a smile.

“It’s nothing Alvin, just that I miss my old school and friends. But don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine” she said smiling in an assuring way.

“Are you sure? You know you can always talk to me” Alvin said with concern in his voice.

“I know. But don’t worry about me, I’m okay, trust me” she lied.

“Okay, If you say so! Let’s get going then” he said when he saw she was done with her zipper already.

“Aren’t we gonna have breakfast?” Ivy rushed at him.

“You’re just a foodie! I promise to get you something later, but now we need to get to school.

My project is yet to be over, and I promised my partner that I’ll be in school early today, so we can finish up the project. We’re submitting it today” Ivy explained.

“Okay fine” she sighed, and he smiled before placing a peck on her cheeks.

“Now let’s go” he said and walked out of her room.

Ivy looked at him go, and let out a sad smile before picking up her her bag pack to follow him.

If only he knew what she was passing through, so sad that this had to happen to her.


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