Alvin took time to study her, a part of him knew she was lying. But he just had to believe her, she had no serious reason to lie to him. Right?

“Alright, let’s get going” Alvin said and placed his hands on her shoulders immediately she stood up.

She bade Courtney goodbye and walked away with Alvin, while Courtney just stood there watching Ivy in confusion.

“What is Ivy trying to do to herself?” Courtney muttered.

She knew Courtney was shocked, but was just trynna play along with her.

But she has to, she has to keep this a secret from her family, if not her parents would not be happy with her, and she would have to quit Crestfield. Coz there is no way her mom would let her go through this type of stress.

She wanted to prove to her parents that she was worthy, especially her brother.

But once they find out about this, she would have to stop the school and become a dropout. Coz her family would never allowed her to be bvllied by anyone, and she wouldn’t want to be a dropout.

So it was best to be quiet about the matter, she will silently bear all this. Even if it is going to be hard.


“Hi mum” Chris greeted as he entered the house, giving his mom a slight peck on the cheeks.

“Welcome son, how was school today?” She asked cheerfully.

“It was fine mom” he simply answered.

“Hey bro!” He said and punched Mike playfully on his arm.

“Hey kid bro, how you doing?” Mike asked.

“I’m good” he smiled.

“Welcome Chris” Leo greeted from a corner where he was playing video games.

“Hi” Chris waved carelessly.

“I’ll be in my room now” he announced and quickly took the stairs, without waiting for any reply.

Everyone wondered why he was in such a cheerful mood today, his mom was very happy about it. She likes it whenever her boy was all happy and smiley.

Chris got into his room and dumped his bag pack at a corner, as usual. He laid on his bed and exhaled softly, as his mind flashed back to what happened at school today.

The girl on the floor, begging for help, and he was the cause. He hit her and even matched her, oh no! This was not right at all.

He felt bad doing all that, but he had to do it in order to prove to the gang that he’s not a weakling. That stupid feeling called love cannot weigh him down, never!

When he was doing all that today, it was really affecting him. But he believes if he continues to do it for a while, he is gonna get used to it. Coz it will never be heard that he Chris fell in love, not just with anyone, but with a mere scholarship benefactor. Never!

He loved his title as the ruthless one of the C4’s, so it is totally impossible for him to fall in love. He’s not gonna let Ivy control him, never!

This feeling has to go away.


Castillo laid on his bed that evening with his oversized shirt and sweatpants operating his phone, with his headphone placed on his ears. He made it clear that he doesn’t want to be disturbed.

He was scanning through the internet and came across a post where the three lucky winners of the scholarship exams were published.

He saw the first, second, and lastly the third. And Ivy was in the picture smiling brightly, with her name “IVY CROWNWAY” at the bottom.

Castillo smirked as he continued looking at the photo. So sad she was gonna leave the school soon, she got on the C4’s wrong part, and she cannot go unpunished.

He wanted to pass the picture, but couldn’t. He kept looking at the photo and it looked disturbingly familiar, but he just couldn’t seem to place his hands on where he has seen that face before.

“Hold on! Could she be the girl from the restroom??” He asked himself.

“No, no, it wasn’t her. That girl from the other day was more beautiful” he said to himself.


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