I know you always like standing up for yourself coz of your foolish self respect and all, but I never knew you would be so adamant to the point that you’d fear no one, even the C4’s”

“After all my pleading Ivy, I practically begged you to stay away from trouble, but you didn’t listen. You got into trouble not just with anyone, but with the C4’s. Ivy how could you” Alvin ranted.

“But he came to me first” she defended.

“Even at that, what did I tell you this morning? Try to endure no matter who the person is, they are all spoilt brats their parents have connections, and they do whatever they like unlike us.

You know your background, so why not keep your ego aside and respect yourself” Alvin yelled.

“So why did you leave me all by myself, you knew I know nothing about that school, I don’t even know anybody, yet you left me all by myself” Ivy fired.

“That was because I had to go to class” Alvin retorted.

“So what about lunch break Huh? You promised to see me at lunch break, but you never did! Were you still having classes during break?” Ivy asked and Alvin went quiet.

“So? Go on! You can’t talk no more” Ivy urged.

“Well, that was because I had a project work which I was working on by then. I was really busy that was why I could not come out, I didn’t even have anything to eat myself” Alvin explained, already feeling guilty.

“But that also did not give you the right to talk to Chris in that manner” he added lowly.

“What would you have me do? He called me blind when he was the one at fault” Ivy complained.

“Even at that…….

“Enough of this $illy argument” their mother shut them up.

“Can someone please tell me what is going on here?” She asked.

“Ask Alvin” Ivy half yelled.

“No, ask your precious daughter the expensive mistake she committed today” he retorted.

“You know you just got a scholarship into the school, a long time opportunity you are supposed to treasure! But you are already messing it up, I see you would like to became a drop out”

“Just pray that Chris should not work out your expulsion” Alvin added, and angrily stormed upstairs.

Ivy watched him as he climbed the stairs, she knew all he had said was the truth. What has she gotten herself into?

“Baby, what did you do in school today?” Her mom asked, and she couldn’t help but cry.

“Mom I’ve messed up big time!!!” She continued weeping on her mother’s shoulder, and her mom kept patting her.

“It’s gonna be fine baby” her mom added still petting her, and she kept sobbing.


Chris did not wait for the car to stop before storming out of it, and next he went straight to his bedroom.

He was still pissed off by what Castillo said, and what Ivy did, today’s school was really annoying for him, he could not wait to get back home.

Leonard just gently stepped out of the car and shook his head, he was used to it already, always grumpy and angry.

“Son, what happened to Chris? Did anyone offend him in school today?” Mrs Richardson, Chris’s mother asked immediately Leo stepped into the house.

“Not that I know of” Leo shrugged.

“Mom don’t you know Chris, he’s always like that. Let him be, he would be fine” Mike his elder brother chipped in from the dinning table.

“Let Leo be, Chris would come around” Mike added standing up from the dinning table.

“Mike I know, just that I’m really worried about your brother”

“You shouldn’t be mom, get some rest Chris can handle himself, he is not a child anymore, he’s a teenager” Mike mouthed and she just simply nodded. She was not feeling satisfied, but could not do anything as well, so she had to let it be.

“Leo you can go upstairs now and change” Mike said, and he nodded as she started walking up.


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