Minutes later, Courtney returned with so many muffins, and two cocoa drinks on a tray. She placed them on the table, and sat close to Ivy.

“I don’t get it, why is everyone just staring at me that way” she whispered, and Courtney turned to see some students from other table staring at them.

“Oh that, it seems they really like you” she teased.

“I don’t think so, I thinks it’s because of my incident with Chris this morning” Ivy mumbled.

“Wait, hold on a second! Did you just say Chris?” She asked.


“What Chris, Chris of the C4’s?”


“So you had an encounter with Chris Richardson Oh wait, you’re the girl from this morning right? The one Leonard saved” Courtney asked.

“Yeah, were you present?” Ivy asked and Courtney nodded slowly.

“That guy is an a%0sh*le” Ivy cvrsed.

“No. You are one big case, how dare you speak to Chris in such manner” Courtney huffed, she was beginning to get Ivy scared again.

“So it is true, Chris is so much respected in this school” she thought.

“I just pray you don’t get expelled, coz I think I have a friend already” she added.

“So he has not forgiven me?” Ivy blinked nervously.

“No he hasn’t, Chris never forgives. Castillo is far more better when it comes to forgiveness, Castillo’s just proud cold and arrogant.

But Chris is rude, wicked, ruthless, anything you can think of! He’s gonna get at you girl, we all avoid the C4’s in this school, coz no one wants to get on their bad side” Courtney explained.

“Canice is intelligent, but really cold and grumpy. But Collins, that guy is a user, he uses and dumps girls without mercy. None of them has a nice character, they are all bad in their own way”

“Oh Gosh Ivy, what have you gotten yourself into?” She mumbled weakly. While Courtney just sat there, staring at her in pity.

“Hey ladies, can I join you?” Leo asked, as he stood at their back holding a tray of food.

“Sure, sure” Courtney replied, smiling sheepishly, and Leo nodded as he took a seat, placing his tray on the table.

“Our table seems to have more audience now because you joined us” Courtney smiled, and he simply shrugged.

What do you expect from the cousin of one of the C4’s??

“Hey Ivy, why’s your face like that?” Leo asked immediately he noticed her sour mood.

“She is scared of Chris” Courtney replied.

“Oh come on Ivy, cheer up, he’s gonna do nothing to you” Leo assured.

“Are you sure?” Ivy asked speaking for the first time since Leo joined their table.

“Of course I am” he nodded.

“But Courtney said……..

“Ah no buts, just cheer up and eat your meal okay” he cooed, cutting her short.

“Okay” she nodded and started eating again, feeling a little bit relieved.


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