She walked out of the class and hung her bag pack around her shoulders, not knowing what to do, or where to go. And just then she remembered that Alvin had asked her to meet him up at lunch break.

But where? Where could he be, she had no idea. Then she thought of giving him a call, that would be easier.

She brought out her phone and dialed his number, but he wasn’t picking up. She dialed again and again, but he still wasn’t picking up.

“Way to go Alvin” she muttered and placed the phone at the corner of her bag pack, and then she started walking away, not even knowing where she was headed.

She walked out of the main building and stood at a corner. She was standing at the place where they had the party the other day, and she was having a view of the field.

Gosh! It was really large and beautiful, so many students were walking to and fro. Some of them were waking in pairs, twos, threes, and more, while some were walking alone.

Most of them had their lunch pack in their hands, and that was when she remembered she was starving. Alvin did not allow her have breakfast this morning, and now he’s nowhere to be found.

She just wished she knew the way to the cafeteria. All the students here are so rude, they would not even answer a common greeting, how can they direct her to the cafeteria.

What will she do now????

She prayed someone would just appear now and come to her rescue.

And just as if her prayer was heard, a young beautiful female student who looked at about her age, walked up to her and tapped her shoulders.

“Hi, I’m Courtney” she smiled, and Ivy sighed in relief.


“Hi I’m Courtney” the young student smiled.

“Hey I’m Ivy” Ivy replied cheerfully.

“I have been watching you from a distance now, you were looking like a stranded person, so I decided to walk up to you” Courtney said.

“Yeah I was kind of stranded, I am really famished and I do not know the way to the cafeteria.

Everyone in this school just seems to be rude, they are not ready to help out with anything” she complained.

“Well you have to get use to it, everybody minds their business here. Come let me show you the way to the cafeteria” she said and led the way as she started walking away, while Ivy just gently followed.

Throughout the walk, Ivy would not just stop talking.

“Well that’s bad, what if someone wants to die and need help. So you mean to tell me now that no one would come to the person’s rescue” Ivy complained.

“It’s not like that……’re just so funny Ivy” Courtney laughed.

“Everyone in this school are not usually like that, for instance me, I’m not like that. It’s just that majority of the students behave that way, that is why I chose not to have a friend here” Courtney explained as they finally got to the cafeteria, and they gently took a seat.

“So what would you like to eat? Let me get your order for you. Uhmm would you like potato fiesta, it’s really good, they serve really nice potatoes here” Courtney suggested.

“Oh no please, I do not eat potatoes” Ivy declined.

“Really, everybody liked potatoes, you should try it out” she nudged.

“No im allergic to them” ivy said softly.

“Oh” was the word that came out of Courtney’s mouth.

“Just get me muffins and cocoa drink, I think that would do” Ivy smiled.

“Alright, coming right up” Courtney grinned and left.

And that was when Ivy began looking around, the cafeteria was really big and beautiful. It was neat and was looking so classy, compared to the one back there at West High.

But she also noticed that so many of the students were looking at her. Why??


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