“Alvin and Davina please, it’s enough! You guys should stop talking about Madi in that manner already” Ivy said, clearly feeling upset.

“Oh okay fine! We would not talk about Madison anymore” Alvin exhaled, and Davina nodded in agreement.

Ivy sighed and turned her gaze to the door. She stared outside the window quietly with so much thought running through her mind.

She could not believe she passed the scholarship examination to get into Crestfield, that school for bullies.

Was she ready to get into that school? Was she really ready to get mixed and interact with spoilt brats and students with nonchalant attitude? Gosh, this is just a disaster!

She does not think she’s ready for all this.

If only her grannie was okay and was not diagnosed with that deadly disease, all this would have not been happening.

She concluded she was still gonna think on weather or not to accept the admission, and her answer could be a no. Coz the students did not really prove her wrong at the party, they were all conceited and cheeky.

“Cocky sets of students, I may not even accept the admission” she mumbled to herself.

But all of Ivy’s thought were put behind her and never to be brought back again when they got home, her parents had heard about the scholarship.

They were so happy, their joy knew no bound. They celebrated like never before, and they were so proud of Ivy.

“I knew you would make it, I know the type of daughter I gave birth to. I am so proud of you” her mother bragged, hugging her tightly.

Oh great! Now it is a must, she’s gonna attend Crestfield High, weather she likes it or not.

“Oh gosh, this is sooooo bad” she thought.



Few days after Ivy was given the scholarship, she went back to her old school to gather her stuffs. She has not been to school ever since the day of the party, she had been at home preparing for her new school.

Yesterday, her uniform, books, and school bag arrived, and it signified she was gonna resume school the next day.

She was feeling both anxious and unhappy, and coming back to her school today made her more sad.

She was definitely gonna miss West High, she has grown so fond of the school, and she really loved it. The teachers and students there, everything there made her feel comfortable. It was such a peaceful school.

But now she’s leaving to an awful school, the same school people see as the best.

“Well who knows, it might turn out good after all” she consoled herself.

👧”Ivy we’re gonna miss you a lot” a junior female student walked up to her and said, and Ivy relaased a smile.

“I’m gonna miss you too” she said to the girl smiling.

And that was how she started getting compliments from so many students, even the ones she never knew in the school all along.

They were all telling her how much they’re gonna miss her, and so many of them even hugged her, telling her they were missing her already.

Drake, Hilson, and Matthew also came to her. Many of them also expressed their surprise, coz they never knew she sat for the examination, she did not make it known to them.

“So my crush is finally leaving me” Hilson hissed painfully, and Ivy $macked his arm.

“Stop playing at a time like this” she chuckled nervously.

“No I’m not! I am really crushing on you, I mean WAS, coz you’re leaving now and you’ll probably meet guys who are way richer and handsome” Hilson shrugged.

“Crestfield is a very big school, you’re in luck you know” Drake said, and Ivy rolled her eyes mentally.

“Anyway, how is Madison, how has she been?” Ivy asked.

“You haven’t heard from her either?” Drake rushed at her.

“What do you mean?” Ivy asked, feeling surprised by Drake’s answer.


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