“Madi have you gone crazy or something? How can you order a dress this expensive coz of a small party!” Ivy exclaimed.

“Small, you call it small? She huffed….It is small to you girlfriend, but not to me” Madison said placing the big box containing the dress, in front of her.

She made an order for it almost immediately after she heard about the party.

“The party’s not that alluring as you think it to be, it’s always a normal party so there’s no need for all this” Courtney spoke up softly, and Madison threw her a glare.

“Oh please spare me that! It’s my money, it’s my body, I will dress however I want to, it is none of your business” Madison quickly fired at Courtney.

“Waohhh, Madi easy. She was just telling you her experience as someone that has been in the school. Who knows, this advice maybe useful to you” Ivy said calmly.

“It’s not useful Ivy, just forget it. I appreciate your care but all the same, my mind is made up and I do not need any advice from either of you. Coz at the end, I’ll do Whatever my heart tells me to” Madi said, rather rudely.

“Oh Madi, this is rather too harsh, what has come over you?” Ivy questioned, she was feeling so surprised at Madi’s response.

“No Ivy, just let her be” Courtney interrupted .

“But Courtney, it is not right that she speaks to you in such manner” Ivy spoke softly.

“I said let her be, just let her be” Courtney half yelled.

“I can see that my presence is not appreciated here, I better leave now” Madison said coldly, as she stood up and took her box of dress. She looked at them one more time, and scoffed before walking away.

Madison just stood looking at them, and after Courtney was done talking, she huffed.

Ivy watched in sheer surprise as Madison walked away. She knew Madison was rude, but she never knew it had become as bad as this.

Why would she humiliate Courtney like that just for trying to give her a piece of advice, do they really have a beef.

“Look Courtney, I am sorry for what Madi did” Ivy apologized softly, turning to Courtney.

“It’s okay, you do not need to apologize, it is not your fault. But you know that’s a stupid friend you have there” Courtney said, and Ivy just simply sighed tiredly.

Madison is becoming too much to handle.


The day of the party finally came, and so many students were so excited. It was an evening party, and so they had the chance to prepare.

Ivy and Courtney planned to go to the party together with Madi alongside, but Madison declined the offer. She claims she has a special driver that would drive her to the venue.

Courtney was so happy she wasn’t going with them, she needed none of her troubles.

She promised to bring her personal car that always brought her to school and took her back over to Ivy’s, and then they leave together.

Alvin was okay with the idea, coz he has always wanted to hitch a ride with Sophia. So the plan was really okay to him.



Later on in the evening, Ivy was dressed in a light blue gown, way above her knees.

It had a little hand, and was decorated with beautiful shinny stones all over the top of the gown.

From her waist down, was a net fled that stood straight, it was looking just like a ballet dress.

She was wearing black heels to go with. She combed her long hair, and let it fall freely on her back, she also added fancy pins to it to make it look more beautiful.

She did a very light makeup on her face. And when she was done, she was looking really beautiful.

Her mom got her this dress during the last party she had at West High. All the ladies were strictly asked to be on a fleet short gown, and this colour blue was the only colour they could pick at the boutique that day.

Ivy was the cause, she never takes anything serious. She did not even say anything about the party until the day before the party, and they hurriedly bought any dress, so long as it was according to instruction.

Ivy actually wanted a pink one, coz that was what majority of all the ladies were going to wear. But coz it was an emergency, she had to go with the blue she saw.

And now she’s really glad that it was the blue she bought, coz she was never ready to buy any dress for this party.

She had decided that if she didn’t have that color, she would just sit back at home and relax.

But luckily for her, she had a nice dress that matched the colour, so she was good to go in this. And this was quite okay.


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