“Are we attending the party?” Canice asked, looking directly at Castillo.

The C4’s were gathered in their usual classroom that day, and they were having a brief meeting based on today’s announcement.

They were all seated, except for Castillo who stood by the window, looking outside.

He was getting a view of the sky, he had his headphone on, but was also listening to their conversation.

“Of course we would attend, why not?” Chris answered to Canice’s question, and Collins quickly snapped at him.

“Really? But Chris you never liked this party, you alone knew what beef you had with the party.

So why the sudden change now?” Collins questioned, and Chris just stayed silent, he was not saying anything.

“Yeah that’s true Chris, you used to hate this particular party, so what’s up with it now” Canice questioned.

“I guess it’s because that Ivy girl’s gonna be attending” Castillo chipped in, turning fully to face them. And they all gasped in surprise.

In as much as they knew it was true, they were shocked to hear it coming from Castillo.

They never knew he was aware of all Chris was doing, coz he always acts dumb to what he sees, and pays deaf ear to their complaints.

“What are you talking about Cas?” Chris asked getting on his feet, to meet with Castillo.

“Oh please stop acting oblivious. I know you know exactly what I’m talking about, you can stop pretending already.

It’s really obvious you feel a thing for that dumb lady” Castillo rolled his eyes.

“Well Cas, I’ll take that as an accusation. Why would you say that, have I ever told you such a thing before?” Chris questioned.

“You might wanna stop using that word, coz even your inner man knows that I’m not accusing you.

I see the way you look at that lady, and I’ll tell you what. It really disgusts me” Castillo started.

“Of all the girls in Crestfield, you chose to settle for an unattractive mere scholarship benefactor, an ugly one at that.

Even if you wanna go for people like that, can’t you at least go for the pretty ones?

That girl is one hell of an ugly and annoying creature” Castillo poured out making a disgusted face, causing Collins and Canice to laugh out loud, but Chris wasn’t finding it funny at all.

“No it’s not something to laugh about, she’s a very smallish thing” he added, causing them to laugh again, and this time harder.

“You can stop all the insults now, we can relax if we’re not attending the party, I don’t really care” Chris said getting pissed already.

“Just as if Cassie’s beautiful, Cassie’s an ugly lady. If you call Ivy unattractive, then what adjective are you gonna use in qualifying Cassie” he mouthed, and Castillo let out a dry laugh.

“Oh poor boyfriend, he’s feeling so sad that I mocked his girlfriend” Castillo teased.

“But just so you know bro, I did not insult your girlfriend, I only described the person I see in that Ivy girl. And as for the party, sure we’re gonna attend” Castillo chuckled.

“I wasn’t formerly interested in attending the party, but now I am. Coz of you two lovebirds, I wanna know how love is done” he said in sarcasm, releasing an evil smirk. And Chris and Collins also laughed to this.

“She’s not my girlfriend Castillo” Chris barked.

“Whatever, who cares!” Castillo rolled his eyes in mockery.

“I’m off guys” Castillo announced, placing his hands into his pocket.

“Ohhhh, you wanna go prepare for the party?” Collins said sarcastically, and Castillo let out a smirk before leaving.

Chris just sat quiet the whole time, throwing glares at Castillo. Castillo’s not just a serious person.


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