“What makes you think I’m in a position to answer such question?” Courtney added.

“Hey calm down, it’s just a question. You don’t have to react that way” Madi rushed at her.

“Oh it’s just a question. If it is really just a question like you claim, why don’t you go ask her yourself?” Courtney chuckled sarcastically.

“You guys have been best friends right, so why don’t you just ask yourself? Besides she’s in a better position to answer your question, she’s the person we’re talking about right? She’ll gladly tell you”

“So please if you’ll excuse me, I have a class to attend”’she concluded firmly, and with that she got up and walked away.

“Wow that was quite harsh” Madi said to herself.

She’s just like every student here, she can’t find any difference.

“This girl is just such a big fool. Why can’t she just answer such a simple question” Madi scoffed angrily.

This single act of Courtney just confirmed it; Ivy has something to do with them, and she’s gonna find out soon.

If no one tells her, she’s find out on her own, she would not stop until she does that. She gets what she wants, so this shouldn’t be an exception.


The next day at school, Ivy and the rest of her classmates were seated in class, they were waiting for the teacher.

The teacher told them he had an important announcement to make, and they were all waiting for him.

Ivy was seated in her usual seat with her annoying seat mate Wendy. Chris and Canice were also seated in their usual spot at the back.

While Madi was also in her seat, but wasn’t thinking straight. So many thoughts clouded her head, she regretted asking Courtney about it yesterday.

If only she knew how much of a fool Courtney was, she wouldn’t have asked her anything.

But she was so certain that there was something between them, and she could not wait to dig it out.

Coz the way Castillo stared at Ivy yesterday said a lot of things, there must be something to it.

Ivy can sometimes be very annoying, she doesn’t know if she would get the answer from her if she asked. Coz Ivy can be secretive at times, once she decides to be quiet about something, her lips are totally sealed.

But whatever it was, she just hopes Castillo’s not involved with Ivy or Ivy isn’t into Castillo in anyway. Coz she would not like it at all.

Even if they had anything in common before, who knows this might be her chance to get close to Castillo. Castillo is her’s no matter what…



The long awaited teacher finally came, and the once noisy class became calm immediately. The class became silent as he stood in front of them.

“Good day students!” He greeted immediately he got in front of the class.

“Good day sir!” The students chorused in unison.

“Yeah thank you. I asked you all to wait here coz I have an announcement to make” he started.

“Uhmmm this announcement’s not really new to you guys, but I just wanna make it known to some of you who might have forgotten, and to our new students also”

“So our annual celebration of Crestfield’s day is coming up on the day after tomorrow” he announced, and the students made happy sound and cheered to the news.

But Ivy and Madi seemed lost. What does he mean by Crestfield’s day? Is that supposed to be a party or what?

“Calm down, calm down” the teacher said, but the noise just reduced a bit.

And then he stood there for some seconds, looking at them. They noticed this, and so the noise finally died down, and then he continued.

“So like I was saying, this is not gonna be like the ones we had in the past years, this is gonna be quite different, it’s gonna be special.

It is not gonna be held at the main hall like before, but it’s gonna be held at GINA’S HOTEL” he announced and they screamed in excitement.

“Calm down students. We did this in order for everyone to be able to attend, the place is conducive enough, coz we have quite increased in number”

“So everyone, be at your best when coming to the venue, we want this year’s Crestfield’s day to be peculiar and well celebrated. Remember, our colors for that day are white and blue, our normal uniform colors”

“Yes sir!” They all chorused.

“Good! So have a nice day ahead, looking forward to seeing you all there” he said.

“Thank you sir” they chorused, and with that he left the class.


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