Castillo just stood there staring at them. And now it became obvious, coz everyone had to pause because of him.

Even Chris who was looking at Ivy before, paused to look at Castillo, but he still did not stop looking at them. He was focused fully on Ivy.

Everyone, his friends, even his guards were wondering what he saw that made him focus like that, and it has totally taken all his attention.

Even Ivy was beginning to get scared from the stare, and slowly she released her hand from Leo’s.

Leo sharply turned to her after she did this, but she didn’t even seem to spare him a glance. She just bowed her head and kept staring at her fingers.

She just felt like the ground should open up and swallow her.

After watching them for sometime, Castillo simply turned around and started walking away, without even uttering a word. His guards quickly followed, before the rest of them did same.

Chris also left, but not before taking one last glance at Ivy.

Madison noticed all of this, she was feeling so lost, she could not understand any of this. What in God’s name is going on?

As much as she hated it, she had to be true to herself. That boy did not even look at her with the corner of his eyes, not even a glance.

All his attention was focused on Ivy and Leo, Ivy to be precise. She and Courtney just seemed invincible to them, Chris was also looking at the same Ivy.

There is something she’s trying to figure out. The way he was looking at Ivy, it shows he knows her, this cannot be the first time they are meeting.

It seemed they’ve met before, and judging from Ivy’s nervousness, it seemed true. Her expression when she saw them coming gave her away, and her sudden change in attitude now confirmed it all.

Ivy always claimed to hate this group, so why would she suddenly be feeling shy or whatever around them?

And why would the two of them, Chris and Castillo be looking at just her. Is it that she’s the prettiest among them all? Absolutely no, she’s not! So why then would they be looking at just her.

This thought was seriously eating Madison up, she was feeling so restless and she was so deep in thought. Like what is going on?



Ivy could not even tell why she’s feeling heated up all of a sudden. Since they left, she’s not been herself. She was feeling so different from the way she was before they came.

Castillo looking at her, rekindled a kind of fear in her.

She thought she was free from their intimidation, she was so proud of herself the day she spoke to Chris in their presence at the cafeteria. She felt like she’s become courageous.

But this time around, everything seemed to be weak in her, she felt so vulnerable.

Now she could not even believe she was the same person that talked back at them the other day. She couldn’t help but wonder where the courage came from that time, or rather where this fear is coming from?

Guess she was really angry that time, her anger has died down now, and she’s now herself. But she just hopes this doesn’t continue, coz she’s not ready to go back to serving them again. It is better she even leaves the school.

Oh Gosh! Why on earth was Castillo even looking at her like that?

“Ivy are you okay?” Leo asked and tapped her a little bit on her palm.

“Yeah. Excuse me please” she said lowly and got up before anyone could even reply her. She walked a little ahead of them, and then she started running away.

“What is wrong with Ivy?” Leo asked turning to Courtney.


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