Sophia was putting on a yellow colored long sleeved fleet gown which was way above her knees, with red heels. The gown exposed a reasonable part of her back.

“Welcome to our school” she said taking in Ivy’s look from head to toe.

“Thank you” Ivy replied sharply.

“Uhmm babe please come with me I got a table for us and our friends, we have been waiting for you” she pouted, making a baby face.

“Uhmmm my sister Ivy she…………

“Don’t worry Alvin, go with her” Ivy said cutting him short, she already knew what he wanted to say.

“But…… He tried to protest but Ivy shut him up.

“I’ll be fine” she assured calmly.

Alvin stood looking at her, he was not convinced with what she was saying at all.

“She’ll be fine” Sophia added, causing her to gain a glare from Ivy.

“Alright fine” he sighed.

“I do not want to look for you when it is time to go home, stay at a place and do not look for trouble okay?” He lectured, and Ivy smacked his arm playfully.

“Bye” he waved laughing, and Sophia started dragging him away.

“Spoilt brat” Ivy cursed under her breath, staring at her disgustingly.

“Now where do I start from” she breathed tiredly, looking around the place, as soon as they went out of sight.

She was really confused seeing the way everywhere was crowded. She started walking around the place, probably she could find Vina or someone she knew.

She had seen some familiar faces from her school. She only greeted them but couldn’t speak to them coz they were not her friends, they don’t even get to talk at school.

She walked for minutes, but could not find someone she knew very well. God this is so tiring!

Feeling frustrated, Ivy walked over to a corner and decided to place herself there, even without knowing the people there.

“Uhmm hi” she greeted smiling sheepishly, but unfortunately for her they were a couple, and she was somehow disturbing them, so they could not stop passing her unfriendly looks, but she cared less.

The table was enough for four, but they were just two, so she could as well fill in. Everywhere was filled up, if not she would have not been here.

“Ivy!!!!!!” She heard her name, just as she was beginning to think of leaving there, coz she felt so uncomfortable with their attitude.

She turned and saw Davina calling her, she could not explain the relief she felt at that moment.

“Vina!!!!!” She yelled excitedly as she walked up to her.

“Where have you been?” She asked.

“I and Madi have been looking all over for you, I saw Alvin at a table close to ours. I was almost thinking you didn’t attend, it was Alvin that told us you were present” Davina explained.

Ivy stood for sometime taking her looks in. She was looking so beautiful in her blue colored knee length fleet gown, with a fine texture of lace at the top.

“You look beautiful Ivy, you’re so pretty tonight” Davina said sincerely, studying Ivy’s look.

“Oh please you’re the most beautiful” Ivy huffed.

“I’m serious and I love your hair” Vina said feeling Ivy’s hair, and Ivy was busy smiling like a baby.

“Thank you honey” she smiled.

“Come on, let me take you to our table” Vina said and Ivy sighed happily.

“Sure, sure” Ivy said following immediately as Davina led the way.

She kept on taking in how Vina looked in her blue gown, she was also putting on blue heels. Vina loved blue so much, it was her favorite color and it seemed she was addicted to it.

All or most of her stuffs were blue color, and that was what she and Alvin had in common. Alvin had this thing for blue, and he never dressed without a touch of blue.


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