Ivy was forced to look at her, and then she shook her head.

“Well the date of the party has been fixed” he said and a small smirked played at the corner of Madi’s lips.

“And secondly…….he continued..”it’s been confirmed that the C4’s are attending the party” he announced, causing Madison to squeal loudly.

She unknowingly screamed aloud, but continued anyway. Vina looked at her and scoffed, before turning to Matthew.

“Please tell us the date for the party” she hissed.

“Yeah when is the date?” Madison chipped in excitedly.

“Oh that! It comes up immediately after the scholarship examination, but before the results” Matthew answered.

“The students who passed would be announced right at the party, and the result would be released right after the party” Hilson added.

“Wow, that’s such a though moment” Ivy hummed.

“Yeah, and imagine what a joyous moment it would be for the three lucky students whose names would be announced” Vina added.

“Yeah that’s true” Matthew nodded.

“Yes! I would finally get to see the almighty Castillo Walter, and somehow I’ll get to talk to him too” Madison mumbled beaming brightly. And next, they all bursted into a wide laughter.

“Vina you initiated this laughter” Hilson said in between laughter, and they all continued laughing. Everyone but of course Drake and Madison.

“Why’re you guys laughing like fools, what’s funny?” She snarled glaring at them, but she got no reply as they continued laughing.

“Anyway that’s your business, the scholarship exam is just in three days time, meaning the party is around the corner.

So immediately I get home now, I’ll start preparing my dress. And I know my name would be announced at the party, that will make him love me more” she grinned.

And on hearing this, they kept passing funny glances at each other, while Drake just watched in pain and silence.

Madison is slowly running mad.


“So you mean to tell me that Madison skipped school today coz of the party?” Ivy asked and Vina nodded.

“All through the lecture I was thinking she would show up late as usual, but I never knew she planned on skipping school” Ivy said.

“I passed through her house today so she could join me, but she told me she was surprised that I was going to school on the day meant for the party” Vina added.

“So what would she be doing at home?” Ivy asked surprised.

“She told me she would be going to the hair stylist to style her hair” Vina shrugged.

“Oh my God!” Ivy exclaimed…..”How are we so sure that Madi’s not running mad?”

“Hmmm speaking of madness, Madi ordered for the dress she is gonna put on from the very first day she heard about the party” Vina laughed.

“No this isn’t funny at all, because of some animal who doesn’t even know you exist” Ivy scoffed.

“Say no more Ivy, today is the day of the party right? Let’s watch out and see if anything would eventually happen between them” Davina said.

“In your dreams” Ivy huffed.

“No don’t say that, all of us are gonna be present right? We’re gonna see things for ourselves” Vina said in mockery.

“This party’s not even captivating me that much, just that if I don’t go I’ll die of curiosity” Ivy confessed.

“You have to be there, is gonna be so much fun. I can’t wait to be there” Vina grinned, and Ivy rolled her eyes mentally.

“Forget about Madi, how was your exams” Vina asked fully facing Ivy now.

“Oh so now you remember I took an exam?” Ivy eyed her playfully.


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